Card based video games thread


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2013
It's a genre I usually don't play outside of solitaire on my phone, but I noticed I've been getting more and more of an attraction to them, even if they're more of the tradition kind. Poker Night at the Inventory 2, Solitair Blitz, and currently Faerie Solitaire have all proven to be very fun and I kind of want more. The obvious Magic the Gathering is there, but I'm curious to see what other games there are. Also, I recommend Faerie Solitaire. It's a cheap buy, very fun to play, has a cool fantasy storyline, great illustraions, etc. Maybe I'll do a recording of it and put it up. I find it's a ton of fun and quite addictive.
It's a genre I usually don't play outside of solitaire on my phone, but I noticed I've been getting more and more of an attraction to them, even if they're more of the tradition kind. Poker Night at the Inventory 2, Solitair Blitz, and currently Faerie Solitaire have all proven to be very fun and I kind of want more. The obvious Magic the Gathering is there, but I'm curious to see what other games there are. Also, I recommend Faerie Solitaire. It's a cheap buy, very fun to play, has a cool fantasy storyline, great illustraions, etc. Maybe I'll do a recording of it and put it up. I find it's a ton of fun and quite addictive.

Keep an eye out for Phantom Dust. I don't know how the remake is going to play out yet, but the original played very much like a card/collectible card game. As you played you unlocked new skills (essentially cards) of different classes and types, which you could use to build your own arsenals (i.e. decks) and then use those arsenals to battle other players/AI in destructible arenas. Skills were mapped to each of your controller's face buttons (similar to having a hand in a card game) for use in combat, with the additional skills either being at your spawn's reserve (three at a time), or in your arsenal. As you used skills or replaced them by mapping new ones from your reserve, the skills from your arsenal (deck) were placed into your reserve. Making arsenals required quite a lot of strategy and management of resources so that you were able to use/cast your skills effectively.
Keep an eye out for Phantom Dust. I don't know how the remake is going to play out yet, but the original played very much like a card/collectible card game. As you played you unlocked new skills (essentially cards) of different classes and types, which you could use to build your own arsenals (i.e. decks) and then use those arsenals to battle other players/AI in destructible arenas. Skills were mapped to each of your controller's face buttons (similar to having a hand in a card game) for use in combat, with the additional skills either being at your spawn's reserve (three at a time), or in your arsenal. As you used skills or replaced them by mapping new ones from your reserve, the skills from your arsenal (deck) were placed into your reserve. Making arsenals required quite a lot of strategy and management of resources so that you were able to use/cast your skills effectively.
Phantom Dust is awesome, so I'll definitely be looking forward to that.
Just beat Faerie Solitaire. Really fun game. I definitely want to play more, maybe beat all the special challenges, get all the collectible pets, and unlock all of them cheevos. Recommended game for sure.