The Witcher 3: Official Thread (May 19th)

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33% is not petty saying its petty is spinning. Of course 4K will be a even bigger difference. Why are we spin mentioning 4K anyway?

33% isn't petty if that's all you have I guess, still kind of small, but compared to 400% difference its nothing. My point is you bring up 33% more than a 400% differences. Does that make sense to you? Almost every thread you are broadcasting it, but yet PC players are getting 200-400% better resolutions lmao. It would seem that would matter much more to you, especially in this case.
Sony used PC footage too, like a few days before IIRC. No room for arguments, just check their youtube account.

If it's Sony, it's ok ;). At least MS posted footage that is actually from their product, Microsoft Windows.
33% isn't petty if that's all you have I guess, still kind of small, but compared to 400% difference its nothing. My point is you bring up 33% more than a 400% differences. Does that make sense to you? Almost every thread you are broadcasting it, but yet PC players are getting 200-400% better resolutions lmao. It would seem that would matter much more to you, especially in this case.
Again why are we mentioning 4K?
I have it on PC and own a 4K set but yet won't be playing it@4K almost nobody will be playing at 4K if they want 60+ fps and Ultra.
Again why are we mentioning 4K?
I have it on PC and own a 4K set but yet won't be playing it@4K almost nobody will be playing at 4K if they want 60+ fps and Ultra.

Doesn't matter, some guys will, some will 2160p or 1440p, whatever, the point is debating a measly 180p is trivial by comparison. Not sure why I would care about that if I was running even 1440p.
Ugh, I'm going to split off all the resolution arguments into another thread, so you guys can carry on elsewhere. I think all this constant, nit-picking talk about PS4 vs. Xbox vs. PC resolution is tiresome and derails the thread. It gets tedious, coming in here hoping for discussion of a game we're all anticipating, only to be met with more of the usual platform war junk.
Doesn't matter, some guys will, some will 2160p or 1440p, whatever, the point is debating a measly 180p is trivial by comparison. Not sure why I would care about that if I was running even 1440p.
You care though hence you trying to spin away 33% of a difference. You care cause Xbox One comes up short.....AGAIN.

I on the other hand don't care as it doesn't affect me. But I come correct.

Again Who cares about the very small amount that will attempt to run it on Ultra 4k and hope for 60+ fps?
Back to what i said in the beginning of this post PS4 version still ends up better then Xbox One you care hence the spinning quotes. Haha
33% is not petty saying its petty is spinning. Of course 4K will be a even bigger difference. Why are we spin mentioning 4K anyway?

If there's already a 33% difference in pixels, how is it that you still think the PS4 version is being held back? What exactly should be better?

For all we know there could be more differences than just resolution. But there's still claims of parity.
You care though hence you trying to spin away 33% of a difference. You care cause Xbox One comes up short.....AGAIN.

I on the other hand don't care as it doesn't affect me. But I come correct.

Again Who cares about the very small amount that will attempt to run it on Ultra 4k and hope for 60+ fps?
Back to what i said in the beginning of this post PS4 version still ends up better then Xbox One you care hence the spinning quotes. Haha

I can tell you are waaay to into this the way you bring up xb1. I'm getting it for ps4. You are the forum resolution king, despite what PC runs it at, but on txb you express resolution was no big deal vs console lmao, funny how things change, or spin.
Ok so apparently from two different PS4 sources we'll get footage tomorrow. If we didn't know any better (maybe we dont after all) you'd think Sony has the marketing rights for this game. Multiple sources now coming with PS4 footage, yet not a word...nothing about Xbox One. s*** is goddamn tiring, that's for damn sure.
I'm betting the game looks good, but dips into the low 20s on console fairly often. We'll see.
Like I said, dumb ass gamers being dumb ass gamers. No where is MS saying it is X1 footage. The branding is obviously to show case that it is coming to X1.
It's host on the official Xbox One channel. I guess it is dumb to assume Microsoft would ever use Xbox footage on the channel. Especially when the button prompts for PC are identical to the Xbox. Too bad Sony can't use this same trick.
Sure, I will go ps4, but 180p isn't enough by default for me. Its petty compared to the real difference at 4k, even 2160 would be a world of difference compared to 1080

2160 is 50% more pixels then 1080P.

So, 1080P Is 33% more pixels then 900P.

But as we know this scale of 'goodness' is non linear because the more pixels you add the harder it becomes to tell the difference.
So the quality difference between the two is probably the same.
It's host on the official Xbox One channel. I guess it is dumb to assume Microsoft would ever use Xbox footage on the channel. Especially when the button prompts for PC are identical to the Xbox. Too bad Sony can't use this same trick.

I'm not saying they have used the same trick. But why couldn't they?
I can tell you are waaay to into this the way you bring up xb1. I'm getting it for ps4. You are the forum resolution king, despite what PC runs it at, but on txb you express resolution was no big deal vs console lmao, funny how things change, or spin.
PC has nothing to do with why the PS4 version looks better then the XBO version:laugh::laugh::laugh:
If there's already a 33% difference in pixels, how is it that you still think the PS4 version is being held back? What exactly should be better?

For all we know there could be more differences than just resolution. But there's still claims of parity.
IN THIS CASE I said I hope the PC VERSION wasn't held back.

come correct
really d00d!? Don't sit there and say you weren't insinuating it along with the others

I was specifically asking Kassan why Sony couldn't use the same tactic seeing as the DS4 is PC compatible. I'm not saying they do or did so specifically with Witcher 3. Someone else made that claim. I personally don't trust either company on things like that.
You said " I don't want the Xbox One to hold back the better versions."

Someone is coming correct. But it's not you.
That's right I mentioned the weakest format holding back the better ones.
Which is concerning but only the PC version affects me.

see I can spin 2
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