H1Z1 Coming to Xbox One & PS4 This Summer


Cornerstone Member
Sep 13, 2013
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A Daybreak games representative told GameSpot that the plan is to bring Just Survive, or some form of it, to console...eventually.

Isn't this game loaded with issues? It's sold very well so Bravo to that.
Ive watched people play it on Twitch and I think it would just piss me off because of griefers running about.
I feel like I've heard about this game, but it blurs into a bunch of others. Is this a pay-2-win game?
Yea main reason I don't bother with these games is griefers. Elite Dangerous at least gives you the option to play solo, but so far about 20 hours in I've only ran into issues with one other person, and he just took down my shields while scanning my cargo hold. H1Z1 or Day-Z just looks like people will hold you hostage and make you do sexual favors.
Wait, so this game was supposed to be come F2P yet they charged $20 and included micro-transactions during beta. Now they're fragmenting the game up into 2 smaller pieces and giving consoles only one of them? Also...both versions will cost money now. Did I get this right?
Wait, so this game was supposed to be come F2P yet they charged $20 and included micro-transactions during beta. Now they're fragmenting the game up into 2 smaller pieces and giving consoles only one of them? Also...both versions will cost money now. Did I get this right?

What. I missed all of this.
Oh thank God I misread it as h1n1. Thought you had it incinerate infected swine....
Yea main reason I don't bother with these games is griefers. Elite Dangerous at least gives you the option to play solo, but so far about 20 hours in I've only ran into issues with one other person, and he just took down my shields while scanning my cargo hold. H1Z1 or Day-Z just looks like people will hold you hostage and make you do sexual favors.
Really?!... I'm interested..
A zombie MMO huh? Sounds like fun, but i have enough to play. The only MMO i'd get into is FFXIV. If i'm going to waste my time, it's going to be on the best MMO available.