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Yup, got Tomb Raider and Sleeping Dogs for $5 each. Love those flash sales.

And that was the $10 i had in my wallet from months ago from when i randomly got gifted it. Thanks Sony.
I'm already close to filling up my Pro hard drive, but I am trying to hold out adding a bigger one. Trying to manage my backlog better and not just install a bunch of games I never play. I'm powerless against games under $10 though.
I'm already close to filling up my Pro hard drive, but I am trying to hold out adding a bigger one. Trying to manage my backlog better and not just install a bunch of games I never play. I'm powerless against games under $10 though.
I buy the games that I want so they are in my account, but I download when I need them. I have begun deleting games I know I won't play again anytime soon.

That said, my PS Pro has plenty of HDD space available.
I wish they let you delete the games without deleting the updates. With the speed of the installs hdd space would never be an issue.
I wish they let you delete the games without deleting the updates. With the speed of the installs hdd space would never be an issue.

That's exactly it. I buy almost all my games on PS4 on disk. Pretty much every game has patches that easily get over 1 gb. Destiny off the disk takes over 12 gb to download still.

If I get in the mood to try a game, I pop the disk in and it will be hours before I can actually play. By then I've moved on to something else.
I just found this morning Sony sent me an email 2 weeks ago and surprised that I barely touch my PS4 (not sure if PS3 game time is included) in 2016. Damn you Steam!!!


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Interesting. Unless I accidentally deleted it I don't remember getting one. I'd be interested in seeing it though but yea my game time in 2016 was a little low. One thing I wish PS4 had was game time like the Xbox One shows.
The subject line of the email says, "a look back - your 2016 with PlayStation." I deleted it but it was in my email trash inbox. Search it using the subject line.
Didn't find it. Checked the Reddit thread on it and others haven't gotten it yet either.
For those of you that have HDR tvs, Uncharted 4 got an update adding HDR on OG PS4. It's not as good as real HDR, but it's still an improvement on an already stellar looking game :D
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Feb PS Plus games

LittleBigPlanet 3 (PS4)
Not a Hero (PS4)
Starwhal (PS3, Cross Buy with PS4)
Anna: Extended Edition (PS3)
Ninja Senki DX (PS Vita, Cross Buy with PS4)
TorqueL (PS Vita, Cross Buy with PS4)
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That's cool, I almost bought LBP3 last weekend for $15, glad I waited!
So with the MLB season approaching and the fact I knew I didn't put much time into MLB The Show 16, I figured I'd give it a go. Fire up the game only to receive my daily reward for logging in. It's when I noticed I had only played the game for three days LOL. Why do I buy these stupid sports games year after year only to not play them? I did the same thing with The Show 15, although a couple months before 16 came out, I started playing it. Gee sounds familiar. Anyways I'm stuck buying 17 because I'm a Mariners fan. Hopefully this time I can actually put some damn time into the game.
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So with the MLB season approaching and the fact I knew I didn't put much time into MLB The Show 16, I figured I'd give it a go. Fire up the game only to receive my daily reward for logging in. It's when I noticed I had only played the game for three days LOL. Why do I buy these stupid sports games year after year only to not play them? I did the same thing with The Show 15, although a couple months before 16 came out, I started playing it. Gee sounds familiar. Anyways I'm stuck buying 17 because I'm a Mariners fan. Hopefully this time I can actually put some damn time into the game.
Ages ago I bought every Madden and never played them enough. I gave up on doing that. The only reason I have Madden 17 is because it was bundled with my Xbox One S. Before that, the last Madden I bought was Madden 09 (though I have played a couple in between because I some how got free access, don't recall how).

With 2017, I still feel like I am playing 2009 with better graphics. Not missing a damn thing other than rosters.
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I wish they did EA Access on PS. That is nice because I can try each game.

I'm sure I'll buy MLB 17 and never have time to play it too. I just bought 16 and have had no time to play it (at least I only spent $13).
Put about an hour into MLB 16 last night so that's a start for me. Did a little batting, pitching, and fielding practice, did a home run derby, and opened up my 10 packs I got for pre-ordering it lol. Right now just trying to get my feet wet again, and get a few simple trophies out of it. Got one last night for the home run derby and half way to getting the one for hitting level 10 XP mostly by completely some missions from the cards I got. Might start up a RTTS character as well since that can transfer over. Can't say if the Pro has helped at all, not even sure if they patched it or not.
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I rarely buy sports games because they get boring pretty fast for me not being able to play online. I did put 25-30 hours into MLB 16 though. IDK what mode you call it, but I made a player and made it to the majors pretty quickly while breaking every hitting record there is to break. I wish you could make players fight like in Bases Loaded on the NES.
I bought DmC, DMC4 SE, Adr1ft, and Shadow of Mordor. Adr1ft wasn't even on my radar but saw it for cheap and trailer was pretty cool. Morder I had planned on grabbing at Best Buy like DmC but the deals on both games were even better.
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