The End of the World: A Political Thread. A New Hope coming soon!

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A man with a fragile who brought us to the bring of war because of his inability to think at anything above a second grade level. Kim f***ing Jong Un had to be the rational, well-adjusted adult. That is frightening.
If you still support donald trump, how can anybody look at you and not think you're, at the very least, someone who harbors racist thoughts, and, at the worst, you're racist? How are people to not look at you in that way? He just said, a march started by held by the kkk/nazis, the worst of the worst people, are not all bad. Yes they are. They're all awful people. Any kkk member, or nazi, is a complete a******. He said not all are bad. How can that be defensible?
If you still support donald trump, how can anybody look at you and not think you're, at the very least, someone who harbors racist thoughts, and, at the worst, you're racist? How are people to not look at you in that way? He just said, a march started by held by the kkk/nazis, the worst of the worst people, are not all bad. Yes they are. They're all awful people. Any kkk member, or nazi, is a complete a******. He said not all are bad. How can that be defensible?

Yea its like saying not all Mensa members are smart. The least smart Mensa member is still really bright. The least hateful Neo-Nazi still wants POC's sent back to the country of origin regardless of citizenship.
One of the organizers of unite the right gets a warrant for his arrest and he cries about it. In the Vice video he said that the Death of Heather Heyer was "more than justified" and he dares cry like a baby for a arrest warrant. He didn't get f***ing plowed into by a car, he even said what happend at the rally was points for his side like its a damn video game. f***ing little spoiled snowflake cry baby. This is who they truly are, bullies who value no ones' life but there own and cry when they don't get everything they want. This is toughness?

Every time I think Trump can't sink any lower, he uncannily finds a way. Its going to be a LONG 8 years.
Note It still needs to be peer reviewed. These are the early results on how how the alt-right views if groups of people are human and other traits.



The comparison group, on the other hand, scored all these groups in the 80s or 90s on average. (In science terms, the alt-righters were nearly a full standard deviation more extreme in their responses than the comparison group.)

“If you look at the mean dehumanization scores, they’re about at the level to the degree people in the US dehumanize ISIS,” Forscher says. “The reason why I find that so astonishing is that we’re engaged in violent conflict with ISIS.”

Dehumanization is scary. It’s the psychological trick we engage in that allows us to harm other people (because it’s easier to inflict pain on people who are not people). Historically it’s been the fuel of mass atrocities and genocide.

Personality traits that frequently show up among alt-righters: authoritarianism and Machiavellianism
Alt-righters in the survey scored higher on social dominance orientation (the preference that society maintains social order), right-wing authoritarianism (a preference for strong rulers), and somewhat higher levels of the “dark triad” of personality traits (psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and narcissism.)
Note It still needs to be peer reviewed. These are the early results on how how the alt-right views if groups of people are human and other traits.



The comparison group, on the other hand, scored all these groups in the 80s or 90s on average. (In science terms, the alt-righters were nearly a full standard deviation more extreme in their responses than the comparison group.)

“If you look at the mean dehumanization scores, they’re about at the level to the degree people in the US dehumanize ISIS,” Forscher says. “The reason why I find that so astonishing is that we’re engaged in violent conflict with ISIS.”

Dehumanization is scary. It’s the psychological trick we engage in that allows us to harm other people (because it’s easier to inflict pain on people who are not people). Historically it’s been the fuel of mass atrocities and genocide.

Personality traits that frequently show up among alt-righters: authoritarianism and Machiavellianism
Alt-righters in the survey scored higher on social dominance orientation (the preference that society maintains social order), right-wing authoritarianism (a preference for strong rulers), and somewhat higher levels of the “dark triad” of personality traits (psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and narcissism.)
lol Women beat Government employees? :p

Thats so sad that people ranked any of them differently anyway.

And that most recent interview of Trump is just disgusting. Holding a press conference to defend Nazi's? wtf is he thinking?
Bannon pretty much usurps everything trump as said about China and tells the truth about the alt-right/far-right/white supremacist base he helped fuel. lol

Contrary to Trump’s threat of fire and fury, Bannon said: “There’s no military solution [to North Korea’s nuclear threats], forget it. Until somebody solves the part of the equation that shows me that ten million people in Seoul don’t die in the first 30 minutes from conventional weapons, I don’t know what you’re talking about, there’s no military solution here, they got us.”


I asked Bannon about the connection between his program of economic nationalism and the ugly white nationalism epitomized by the racist violence in Charlottesville and Trump’s reluctance to condemn it. Bannon, after all, was the architect of the strategy of using Breitbart to heat up white nationalism and then rely on the radical right as Trump’s base.

He dismissed the far right as irrelevant and sidestepped his own role in cultivating it: “Ethno-nationalism—it's losers. It's a fringe element. I think the media plays it up too much, and we gotta help crush it, you know, uh, help crush it more.”

“These guys are a collection of clowns,” he added.

You have to remember that the alt right has been fed nothing but fear and fake news for 8 years. When Trump mentions Venezuela, most people don't pick up on it. Venezuela is supposedly the socialist country that the US is turning into. Some think it already has started.

My wife shared a Facebook post on Obama's great tweet after Charlottesville and one follower raged at her. THE ECONOMY COLLAPSED UNDER OBAMA!! Really? When did this happen? I must have missed the news that day?

They justify their extremism because anyone who opposes Trump is even more extreme. We run child molestation rings out of pizza parlors. We want to take Christmas away and celebrate Islam instead. We support the "open borders" (notice how nobody corrects Trump when he says this falsehood?).

I will never justify them, but they are dumb enough not to question all the fake news they get, so are easily manipulated.
Yea its like saying not all Mensa members are smart. The least smart Mensa member is still really bright. The least hateful Neo-Nazi still wants POC's sent back to the country of origin regardless of citizenship.

To be fair, they had to suffer under the control of a black President for 8 years. It's historically unpresidented (sic) for people of one race to be subjugated so totally for so long. #UGFNeedsAnOfficialSarcasmFont
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