square enix

  1. karmakid

    Square To Go Aggressively All In On Multiplatform - Layoffs Incoming

  2. karmakid

    Square Enix Dissolves Tokyo RPG Factory

  3. karmakid

    Square Enix To Us AI

    https://www.hd.square-enix.com/eng/news/2024/html/a_new_years_letter_from_the_president_4.html Artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential implications had for some time largely been subjects of academic debate. However, the introduction of ChatGPT, which allows anyone to easily produce...
  4. karmakid

    Symbiogenesis - Square Enix NFT Game

    https://www.gameshub.com/news/news/square-enix-symbogenesis-nft-game-2609487/ Square Enix has officially unveiled the first trailer for Symbiogenesis, the upcoming blockchain-based game described as 'narrative-unlocked NFT entertainment'. While the exact nature of the game remains unclear, it...
  5. karmakid
