Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, remastered for PS4/Xbox One


Well-Known Member
Cornerstone Member
Sep 11, 2013
Yes, I know, "not another remaster." Well, I'm happy to hear about this. This humble little indie game was one of my top 10 favorites from last gen.


I no longer own a previous-gen console, so this will give me an opportunity to play it through for a third time, in a slightly spiffed-up version.


I don't expect any major leaps forward in the "remaster." It had a fairly simple, though I thought beautiful, art style.


Was a fun game, and different to most. I am not too interested in re-buying it, though.
really fun game. well paced too. but not really interested in replaying it
Yeah, although I enjoyed a second playthrough, I'm not sure I'm up for a third. Nice to have the option, though.
Nice. Nothing wrong with more remasters. Never understood why more games is considered a bad thing. Still plenty of new games coming out. This generation is still young. lol