Do you even lift, bro?

I recently (2 weeks ago) started a new routine. Been fine so far, but of course that could just be because when I start a new routine I drop the weight and then work back up. Only huge difference in my routine is it's switching from 3 days a week to 4 days a week, and focusing on just 1 big lift (squat, deadlift, bench, military press) per day. Squat is on Friday though so that could be hard by the end of the week.
still doing the circuits and free weights / light weights with lots of reps. mix it up and do something different once or twice a week. been doing this since september and feel great- lost 10 lbs and now seem to be stuck at 185 (I'm 5'11) feel ripped but I still love my beer so theres a 12 pack in front of the 6er!