[EW] PowerVR gets ray tracing for games on mobiles


Nov 2, 2013
Imagination Technologies has added ray-tracing to its PowerVR Series6XT Rogue architecture, allowing real time modelling of dynamic lights and shadows on mobile devices, said the firm. The first of the cores, called the Wizard family, is the GR5600 “designed to bring real-time, interactive ray traced graphics to a range of consumer and mobile platforms, as well as gaming consoles and mainstream gaming PCs, workstations and servers,” said Imagination.

“It required a breakthrough in the algorithms used within ray tracing, as well as the addition of fixed function blocks in the GPU to allow ray tracing operations to be performed within the power consumption and bandwidth budgets available in consumer devices.”

Read the rest here.
I remember when it was rumored the PS4 would be from them. Thank god no. All this advertised "real-time raytracing on modern hardware" is the biggest sham there ever was.