Facebook to buy Oculus Rift

After deliberation, I've come to conclude....this is amazing. VR is NOW. The moment I've been striving for has finally arrived. VR has caught the attention of the big companies required to make it a real platform. It's not going anywhere. VR is here to stay and for that I am eternally grateful to Oculus for fulfilling that dream of mine. They have all the talent and resources needed to give our generation the revolution it is looking for.

We will see 5+ years from now how facebook ultimately influences Oculus but until then, we have the biggest push in the evolution of consumer electronics we have seen since 'The Internet' happening before our very eyes.

In the words of newly Chief Scientist at Oculus, Micheal Abrash; 'We're on the cusp of what I think is not The Next Big Platform, but rather simply The Final Platform – the platform to end all platforms.'

The Oasis/Metaverse is in it's infancy. Get your sh!t in order 'cause it's gonna be a helluva ride.
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