FlashGitz Adds The PC Master Race to the Console War...


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2013
OMG, I can't even..... I actually completely lost it at work, lol, Got some looks :D

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PC warz make your console warz look like peasant warz
OMG, I can't even..... I actually completely lost it at work, lol, Got some looks :D

If only the PC Master Race could be added to the console wars. Then they wouldn't complain every day that nobody includes them.
If only the PC Master Race could be added to the console wars. Then they wouldn't complain every day that nobody includes them.

When you're the master, there is no reason to be amongst peasants.
If only the PC Master Race could be added to the console wars. Then they wouldn't complain every day that nobody includes them.

We don't want to be included....because we know we're the master race....we just like rubbing it in your collective noses.