HELLDIVERS - fighting for Super Earth!

Yes! Been playing it on and off since the beginning of last year on the PS4 although I've been playing it almost everyday as of late over the last 2 months. Love this game due to friendly fire and how easy it can be to accidently hit/kill/run over your teammate (not that I do that often).

Been playing a lot of Bugs region Hell Dive difficulty and running it solo. It's not difficult once you figure out ways to minimise the scout bugs calling reinforcements.
Cyborgs are much harder due to them being much tougher and unstunnable tanks that drop even if reinforcements haven't been called.
Illuminates are pretty easy to fight once you start spotting the solo scouts early and destroy them.

Too bad there is no cross platform play between pc/ps4. I'm Level 25 so far and unlocked 95% of weapons and stratagems.

Hint to get the upgrades up your stratagems/weapons faster. Once you have the UAV drone, level that up to max first. This allows you to see the whole map and see all the samples around the map.
Collect 10 samples for one research point. You get more samples on each mission the higher you increase your difficulty. This'll help you get all the upgrades faster.

Imo the most efficient weapons to use are the Justice once you get the unstoppable bullet perk and a maxed out Sickle (laser weapon that you don't need to reload unless you overheat it fully). IMO the Sickle is useless from Challenging difficulty and higher on Cyborgs as it doesn't have enough power to kill the patrols quick enough before they send reinforcement flares.
Note that both these weapons are useless against heavy armour enemies with no weakspots. You need the rail gun with stun perk for them to temporary stun them until you get your demolition grenades, rocket/grenade launchers or mech walkers to destroy them.

Sorry I'm babbling with this wall of text.
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It is one of the free PSN+ games for February along with Nom Nom Galaxy.