Mobile site suggestion.


Mr. Xbox Lover
Sep 15, 2013
I know this uses responsive design(bootstrap?) so it scales according to the screen it is showing on; but may I suggest a dedicated mobile site which has settings that will help mobile site users? The site takes up alot alot of unnecessary bandwidth on mobile and takes a while to load too.
I know this uses responsive design(bootstrap?) so it scales according to the screen it is showing on; but may I suggest a dedicated mobile site which has settings that will help mobile site users? The site takes up alot alot of unnecessary bandwidth on mobile and takes a while to load too.
The Dark Fluid (Beta) style is a very light style. Do you mean changing all linked pics to links?
It would be nice if there was some sort of mod or plugin that would disable images. With all of the gifs posted it really eats up tons of bandwidth...
The Dark Fluid (Beta) style is a very light style. Do you mean changing all linked pics to links?
No something like being able to use a very basic layout with very few images to download, and and it should have the ability to turn off pics, avatars, or any other media without having to log in and it not affecting my default profile.