New public / social area leaked?


Sep 11, 2013


Destiny's upcoming House of Wolves expansion will add a new social space in the Reef if a fresh bunch of leaked screens is to be believed.
The images were first posted to Reddit by megamanexe4 who, incidentally, is the individual responsible for the last leak involving new missions and guns.

Though we don't know exactly what the new area will offer, it seems like Bungie's keen to present players with an alternative to the Tower that's served us since launch. Interestingly, a developer diary from back in 2013 mentioned a non-combat area set in the Reef and even briefly showed footage of the space. Such a zone hasn't been mentioned since, however, and wasn't shipped with the final game.

Other screenshots reveal a new Inferno playlist for the multiplayer-inclined, which takes level advantages out of the equation. Two single-player missions have also surfaced, including Nightcrawler for level 30 characters and Belly of the Beast for those at level 28. Both take place on the Moon.

The new strike, meanwhile, apparently occurs when "A Fallen Wolfship holding an infamous Walker has touched down in the Ocean of Storms. Breach the Ketch and see to this Walker's end."

We're yet to receive solid news of a release date, though Bungie has said it'll be here between April and June. This falls in line with a previous leak that suggested May 19 would be the magic date. Of course, if none of this takes your fancy, Bungie's meant to have much more in the pipeline for the shooter. Yet another leak claims the biggest content release yet is coming after House of Wolves.
Interestingly, a developer diary from back in 2013 mentioned a non-combat area set in the Reef and even briefly showed footage of the space. Such a zone hasn't been mentioned since, however, and wasn't shipped with the final game.

Bungie be like

My only wish with all the DLC "expansions" is some truly new content/areas, stop recycling places we've already been a million times or more :(
My only wish with all the DLC "expansions" is some truly new content/areas, stop recycling places we've already been a million times or more :(

Agree totally. The expansion was basically a raid. We need something else new in the game. If you are going to grind for loot, give us somewhere new to do so.

We need something else, not just more of the same. I really have no urge to grind raids either. Isn't there some other way for people to play?
New area would've been nice for social. Although Destiny is a fun game, I do feel like the game is starting to get "dry". Nothing to do but to grind for loots. I really want to see some good story about Destiny, though. So many questions go unanswered.
New area would've been nice for social. Although Destiny is a fun game, I do feel like the game is starting to get "dry". Nothing to do but to grind for loots. I really want to see some good story about Destiny, though. So many questions go unanswered.

It is. After I get my Hunter to 32 I'm done till HoW. I dont bother with my Titan anymore, unless its Nightfall/RAID. Thats about it though...Warlock is getting the same way...already maxxed out.