Sony tells hacked gamer to pay for crooks' abuse of PlayStation account

Sony to PlayStation 4 gamer: 'You got hacked, not our fault. Now give us £50'

I really don't get this kind of customer service. Sony is the one responsible for protecting his account information. Then they lock down his account for which is tied to his actual purchased content of over $1000. Treating such a good customer so poorly is just wrong.

Look at what is said. Sony is saying their database was not breached and so the info gained was gathered elsewhere. You can not hold Sony responsible if this gamer knowingly or unknowingly gave his account info out, maybe to a friend, phishing email, etc. Perhaps he has malware on a PC and his account info is similar on multiple web sites.

Obviously this sucks for the gamer, but I am not seeing what Sony is doing wrong.
Like Sony knows when they get hacked. lol