Official Thread The Witness

PC version stuck at 1080, work around incoming from the Blow team:
"Thanks - yep it's rendering to 1920x1080 for some reason, give me 5 mins to poke about, I'll have a workaround for you all..."

and sound isn't working.

Edit: PC res work around:

Ok, for now, you can set this through the launch options:

In Library in the steam client, right click on The Witness and go to:
set the options to:

-width 3440 -height 1440

(or whatever resolution you want it to render to)

Let me know if that fixed it for you.
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Nowhere is this game listed in Spotlight or New Games section of the PSN Store. Nice work informing the populous about this game, Sony. Now people are going to think this is a timed-PC exclusive.
Put in about an hour or two so far. Good game, but definitely not for those who need guidance. There is literally no tutorial or hand holding of any sort. You just sort of wander where you can and organically learn the puzzle progression.
I am enjoying the puzzles so far an hour into it. Love the freedom to just enjoy without any pressure, I get the feeling of deaths, no timer, heck no music even. Relaxing.
Been playing for about an hour or 2. I'm liking the game alot. It's a nice break from Fallout and The Witcher 3.
Ok, this one has got me by the nads and is pulling me in. About 2 hours in and I was a bit dumbfounded as I think I wandered off into areas that had puzzles that were far above what the game had "taught" me yet. Somehow I wandered back to where I started and took another path that had me back to ones I could figure out. I just unlocked my 1st trophy for getting a laser beam of light turned was a joyful moment that I felt I had actually earned a trophy. Emphasis on the word earned.

This game is very relaxing in that there is only 1 button to push, no dying - no enemies, no falling off cliffs, etc, and the scenery is pleasing to the eye. But I also feel like I am really working my mind. The puzzles aren't something you need to know books, math, or science...but they do make you think. I have no idea how tough it's going to get, but I feel I am being taught as I progress to harder things.

This game may take me all of those 80 hours some have mentioned because I have vowed not to go to websites for hints. They say if you get stuck to just sleep on it, sounds like those old Tetris dreams I used to have will be returning!

For those on the fence, this game is not for everyone. Those that enjoyed Myst, Everyone's Gone to the Rapture, or just puzzlers in general I think will find this game to be right up their alley. It's too early on for me to give it a review score but some games you can just tell from the start are winners...The Witness is one of those.
I really like this, hard as hell in some places but good fun. Some puzzles seem absolutely impossible, like they would need 2 intersections which you cannot do, stuck on one such puzzle up in the trees right now, there's obviously a way but...

I drew the puzzle out and took it to work see if I can figure it out while here.
I got stumped for awhile last night. Was tempted to get a hint, but didn't.

Started taking pictures with my camera and using paper and pen to sketch out the puzzles.

I'm really digging this.
According to Blow it's on target to sell more in one week than Braid did in it's first year in terms of revenue
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Watched some on Twitch the other day. Looks cool but not feeling a puzzler right now.
I totally forgot this game came out in January. Currently have it downloading on me PC.
I keeping seeing praise for this game. It certainly looks like a very strong GOTY contender on the indie level. I just wish it was a little cheaper. Still, I can't blame them, if the game delivers as much gameplay as a $60 game does.

edit: I bought a copy. All that praise finally got to me. I figured I would be missing out, if I didn't give it a try.
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Played about 45 minutes. I got stumped on one panel about 30 minutes in, and I thought to myself, "Great, 30 minutes and already I'm stumped. This is going to be one long, frustrating game." But I slept, and when I played it a moment ago, the solution just occurred to me. I like those little a-ha moments.

I'm glad it's not all just line puzzles. I mean, there are certainly a lot of them, but there is constant variety, and more importantly, the environments that open up when you solve the puzzles give you this sense of mystery and discovery. That's hard to find in games anymore.

I like the intellectual challenge of it, too. My tendency lately has been to play narrative-focused games with easy gameplay. I also play action adventures and RPGs, but these are generally pretty easy as well. I was in the mood for a game that would challenge me -- not just in terms of twitch reflexes, but cognitively -- and this is hitting the spot.

We'll see how far I get before I throw in the towel.
Played some more today. I'm probably about 2 hours into the game.

I like it. I'm getting a feel for the puzzles. I get stumped occasionally, but if I stick with it, or take a break and come back, I generally figure it out. It's intellectually satisfying. There is the reward of discovery. The world has a sense of mystery that I like. It provokes the "sense of wonder."

My concern is whether they will be able to sustain my interest in puzzle solving over the whole course of the game. I'm interested now. They keep adding new elements, and I find it challenging and engaging, so far. I'm just having a hard time imagining that I can keep solving these puzzles for another 20 or 40 hours and not get tired of the mechanic eventually.
I still have to finish the final puzzle. I should actually finish it before I forget all the types of puzzles.

I got burnt out pretty fast by the time I got to the end.
I feel a bit impatient with the game, and I'm inclined to quit playing. Line puzzle after line puzzle -- it wears thin after a while. I'm not up for spending 40 hours of my game time (which is pretty limited) solving one line puzzle after another. I should've trusted my instincts, which told me I would not find that mechanic interesting for more than a couple hours. Instead, I got pulled in by all the positive press and impressions.

I do like the sense of mystery the game builds. I just don't want to spend so much of my time and focus looking at line puzzles.