UnionVGF Review: Contrast (Xbox 360)


I am a sinner.
Sep 11, 2013
Contrast, from Compulsion Games, is a stylistic platform puzzle game that sets out to turn the platform genre around with a flip of a switch. The game centers on using shadows and light to solve puzzles and progress in the game. It’s a bold attempt from an indie developer. Does it succeed or does it fall flat? It succeeds roundly.

With the next-generation arriving I wasn’t sure there would be any game I would need to play on the last generation. Contrast became an exception once I saw it. There was a level of creativity in the screens and videos that made me want to play it. I’ve grown bored of platformers over the years and the genre needed some new life. Contrast seemed to fit the bill perfectly.

To progress in the game you have to alternate between your character in the real world and the shadow world. This is done so seamlessly it’s amazing. Just a press of a button as you run towards a wall will throw you into the shadows. It’s done just as easy and seamlessly to jump out of the shadows. Press a button and you’re out. This adds a dimension of gameplay I haven’t experienced in a very long time. There’s no slowdown in the gameplay. Not meaning in a frames per second way. I mean in a there’s no slight pause in the game to alert you’ve gone into the shadows and out of them. It’s just all very seamless.

The puzzles of Contrast are well thought out and fit into the games world nicely. Since light and shadows play a role in all the puzzles, they’re a bit harder in the beginning. You have to think about the two planes, the light and the shadow, and plan your attack. You’re jumping in and out of the worlds to solve each puzzle in real time and timing is essential to many. As you play the game more you get more accustomed to thinking through the puzzles and they become second nature. While your thinking of how the planes interact becomes better they still provide difficulty and that’s what you always ask from a puzzle game.


The story is decent. It’s not too gripping but you still pay attention to it and want to finish. The creativity and style of the game is what really sucks you in. There are a few drawbacks of the game but they’re not deal breakers. There’s a lot of loading, not long, just often, and cut scenes through out. I sometimes felt like I was watching a cartoon rather than playing a game. I get that it’s inherent of the nature of the game but I had hope for more gameplay and less story. Again, this is not a deal breaker. There’s still more gameplay than story.

Shadows and light created a unique look for Contrast. It’s a colorized noir atmosphere. The graphics on the Xbox 360 are about average but the art style is second to none. The character models and game world don’t call for a highly detailed look to them. I’ve seen Contrast on the PlayStation 4 and they are a step up from the Xbox 360. The animation is a little lacking in that the game seems to be a bit floaty at times. I got used to it though. It reminded me a bit of how NBA 2K series had handled in the past. Since I got used to it, it didn’t detract much from enjoying and playing the game.

Compulsion Games has done a wonderful job with Contrast. It’s a stylistic platform puzzler that breaks genre molds and isn’t afraid to take chances. The team is small, and the budget was small, but they delivered a game that separates it from most small team games and from platformers in general. It’s a great start for them and I can’t wait to see what they can do with future projects. They’re a creative group and I hope they get a chance to shine. Contrast is a great example as to why we need indies to survive and prosper.









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i am glad u reviewed this, i wont be playing my 360 anytime soon but this game looks like something my fiancee would love, i told her to check out the demo soon
Played it on PS4 and it was pretty cool. Especially since it was free.
Got it on Steam but haven't played it yet. I like what I'm hearing from your impressions though!
I have read mixed reviews about the controls being a little wonky but it totally looks like something she would love, ill have her to do the demo but she already said she wants to buy it
The controls are a little wonky and I think that's attributed to the floaty nature of the movement I mentioned. It's nothing that would make me put the game down.
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This was pretty interesting to play but I platinum-ed it since it was free for PS+ members on the PS4. The game only takes about a few hours to beat though so factor that in your decision if you're intending to buy it.
Nice review..playing this on the PS4,only a few chapters in but I like it enough...will get back in it soon.
Thanks for the review, Plainview. I played through the demo a few days ago and was intrigued, but I was hesitating over the $15 price point. Your review, especially the last paragraph, convinced me to go ahead and buy.
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