VG 24/7: GTA 5 is 50GB and supports PlayStation Move on PS4 – report

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Oct 3, 2014
The highly-anticipated new-gen port of GTA 5 will be 50GB in size and incorporate some form of motion controls on PS4, according to a listing on PSN.

The PSN listing for the digital version of the game was spotted by the folks at GTA Forums, and it shows a requirement of 50GB of free HDD space, similar to The Last of Us: Remastered. Also, as with The Last of Us: Remastered, it may not end up actually using all of that space, rather be close to 4xGB, which is certainly not an unusual size these days.

Another interesting thing is the mention that it supports PlayStation Move, Sony’s motion gaming controller. Rockstar has not said anything about motion gaming hooks in the port, so it could either be a huge thing they’ve yet to announce, or just a simple feature.

Here’s how it looks on the European PS Store.

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The sixaxis PS3 controller support in GTA IV wasn't anything special. A few vehicles could optionally be controlled with it and you could optionally reload with it. If it's the same functionality with the PS4 version, then I'm not expecting much from the exclusive feature Sony hinted towards.
I haven't checked but could that move thing just be a standard line that's included in all descriptions?
It's telling that when I read the thread title, the first thing I thought was…"What the f*** is Playstation Move?" then I remembered.