WiLD (Ancel)


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Cornerstone Member
Sep 11, 2013
This is a game created by Michel Ancel of Beyond Good & Evil and Rayman fame. It's still in the early stages of development, but it looks pretty interesting. It is exclusive to the PS4. Release date TBA.

Here is some of what Ancel has to say:

"When we started working on WiLD we wanted to make sure that we would have fun playing our own game even after months and months of development! This is the reason why the world of WiLD is the size of Europe, with dynamic weather and seasons, and filled with interactive opportunities that feel endless."

"Every time you play you’ll discover new things, even in the same place as before. But… the best feature came from our prototyping phase when we started playing as wolves, horses, sheep and… even trout! So we decided that in WiLD every creature should be playable, even the giant and dangerous ones!

"All these features combined, open so many new gameplay situations, especially when playing online. How you approach the game is up to you, what you do and even what you are – it’s all up to you."


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2016 is a good bet. Ancel isn't real fast with his game delivery. They tend to be worth waiting for, though.

It sounds like an ambitious project. It's on my list now. Didn't even know it existed until today.
I think the game looks amazing visually and presentation wise. I just don't what it is yet.
I think the game looks amazing visually and presentation wise. I just don't what it is yet.

It is described as "an online survival adventure game. Devoted to the wilderness. Set 10,000 years ago when nature and humanity were one." Does that clear it up?
Sounds cool, and I like Ancel's previous games, but I'm getting a real 'Peter Molyneux' kinda vibe from his description here hahah... hopefully it actually delivers on the gameplay front. At this point it definitely seems to have the potential for greatness though, no doubt.
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Sounds cool, and I like Ancel's previous games, but I'm getting a real 'Peter Molyneux' kinda vibe from his description here hahah... hopefully it actually delivers on the gameplay front. At this point it definitely seems to have the potential for greatness though, no doubt.

I thought of BC when seeing some of the trailer. But you're talking about his hype level, I think. Yeah, he could be doing the hypester thing. I don't know Ancel enough to gauge that. He seems to deliver with his games in a way that Peter M. doesn't, though...so I'm feeling hopeful.
Exactly the reason why I own a PS4 and not an Xbox One.

Wow, you'll just take any opportunity to bring up Xb1 vs Ps4. This game could be over 2 years away and could suck, but it doesn't matter, you bought the better piece of plastic because of a trailer.
A small bit of info. Basically, they say the game is coming along well, and we will get more info in the coming months. Oh, I also learned that Sony owns this one and is funding it.

"With Paris Games Week closing in (October 28th) we have good hopes that Sony will show off the game, perhaps even revealing new details. We asked Sony’s External Development Studio Europe (XDEV) on the current progress of WiLD and we can report back that development for WiLD is still underway and is looking good. We can expect updates for the game in the coming months. We also asked XDEV whether the were hinting at a possible Paris Games Week showing but they denied this. We’re still hoping that WiLD will be shown off in Paris during the Paris Games Week next month."


p.s. Just watched that trailer again. Damn, that looks fun.
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