You can now have 2,000 PSN friends.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2013
Didn't see it posted, so sorry if old.

So those of you that had previously hit the 100 friend limit on the PSN, I have some great news!
You can now add up to the new limit of 2000 so time to get adding your next gen buddies!

Note: PS4 supports up to 2,000 online friends, an expansion of the 100 friends limit for the PS3 system. On PS4 you can quickly expand your friend list by connecting with people you’ve played with recently as it does on the PS3 system.

The PS3 system will continue to support up to 100 friends at one time. If you build a friend list bigger than 100 on PS4/Vita, network servers will automatically filter your friend’s list when you play on a PS3 system. Additionally, you will be able to set and lock a pre-determined friends list to be used while you play on the PS3 system if you wish. Support for the ability to display all of your friends in most applications and games is planned, however, some titles will be limited to the current 100 Friends limit.
Are our PSN's/XBL's going to turn into FB's where everyone just add's random people to have the biggest friend count?

It's cool that they have both raised the cap..but even at 1000 I think it's kind of ridiculously high
I forsee Zynga type games in the future where you need friends to help you out with them....ack
There is already something like that on Vita that came out more than 6 months ago.

Look up "Toro's friendly Network"... it was fun... just had a problem with getting friends(I hate adding randoms haha)
Feel the friendship >:D

Crap. Hope that doesn't catch on with the bigger consoles with indie games..although it probably will. Zynga/Facebook games that require you to spam friends annoy the crap out of me lol, I block em but of course there is always a new one popping up to clog my notifications or news feed with...
Crap. Hope that doesn't catch on with the bigger consoles with indie games..although it probably will. Zynga/Facebook games that require you to spam friends annoy the crap out of me lol, I block em but of course there is always a new one popping up to clog my notifications or news feed with...
The Toro game won't bug you with Notifications unless you download the App(its not listed as a game as an App)
The Toro game won't bug you with Notifications unless you download the App(its not listed as a game as an App)
Well that's good then.

Still don't see the need for massive large friend's list caps, is that an important feature to some? I didn't even max out my friends list this gen lol.
Well that's good then.

Still don't see the need for massive large friend's list caps, is that an important feature to some? I didn't even max out my friends list this gen lol.
From what I saw with some people's reaction on the net... apparently it is an important feature.

But for me its nice at least I get a large Cap... but Will I end up finishing it??? Nope
Meh. I prefer to add the people I do actually know in person. I don't like adding friends and then never again talk to each other or even play game together. And then few months later, you re-look at the list and forgot how we met. I ended up delete many of them and keep it low.
Pftt. Only 2000? Facebook has 5000 as the limit. Come at me bro.
Yeah lets add even more people we won't ever play with. Couple hundred would have been more than enough.
Kind of sad this warrants complaint from some of you. Not like MS is forcing you to have 1,000 friends nor is Sony forcing you to have 2,000.