Amazon France Now Taking Pre-Orders for a PlayStation 4/Vita Bundle


Zork Rules
Sep 12, 2013
Amazon France Now Taking Pre-Orders for a PlayStation 4/Vita Bundle

You read that headline correctly and see you that picture. THAT my friends is a PlayStation 4/Vita bundle. This is currently up on Amazon France’s website and is now available for pre-order.

The question now is, will other territories be getting this bundle as well? If this turns out to be legit (and we have no reason to believe it is a fraud) then this will be a big coup for Sony and it wouldn’t make sense to not release this in every territory possible. Given that the PlayStation Vita has cross-play functionality with the PlayStation 4 and–let’s face it–isn’t doing so well, this could be the shot in the arm that the handheld needs.

If and when this becomes available in other territories we’ll let you guys know.
I've never had much interest in handhelds, but it's cool for those who might be interested I guess.
I've had a Vita since last Christmas and used it that day and maybe twice after that and its been shelved ever since. I almost purchased Borderlands 2 for it as a way to get some use out of it until I read it was filled with bugs. Useless handheld with no compelling gaming software for me.
It's a savings of about $27. I guess if you were going to get them both at the same time you do it but that's not much of a saving.
Seen my buddy streaming games from this PS4 to the Vita and it was very impressive. I was never much for handhelds but I was impressed by this. Still, unless this was a big saver bundle, I'd just go with the PS4 stand alone + game pack if I had the choice.
If it's $100 off, I'd consider it. If it's $27 or $50 off, nah.
Wasn't to fond of the Vita when we had it.... good to see them not giving up on it for those who like it.

I felt the same way, bought it at launch and maybe had it for two months. Nice device, but I couldnt justify keeping it.