Aquarium People?

Unwritten Law

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2013
Anyone into keeping fish? I havent had a tank since I really young but got a 10 gallon tank on a whim and now already got plans for a 50 gallon tank with some larger fish. Post some pictures of your tanks if you do!

Newest Addition to the Tank

"Glow Fish"


And Some Fantail Guppies

Planning on getting a blue lobster (but probably just some shrimp) when I get the bigger tank and some mollies.
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I used to have a small aquarium when I was younger, had a bunch of painted glass fish in it. Recently I got a small one for my son as he had a goldfish.
Someone's been shopping at Wal-Mart. :D Get a sucker fish too! They help you clean the tank.
Waiting for some algae to grow for adding suckers, but I think I might go with snails. Its relaxing watching them while eating lunch or dinner though. Already researching for my next move. Looking into that bigger tank to start a coral/fish salt water aquarium.
When I get a place of my own (I live in an apartment currently) I want to get a tank/aquarium and keep it in my bedroom. I've slept in rooms with them before and I feel that the sound it makes plus the light it gives off helps me relax and get to sleep.