Attack on Titan WIP Game - Unreal Engine


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2013
A really talented artist is trying to make a fan game of Attack on Titan. It looks gorgeous, but he still has to work on the gameplay and physics. I figured I would spread the word of this.


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Impressive. I especially liked the player movement anticipation part.
The game is looking nice visually, but the gameplay is still lacking. I wished he's at least listen to the advice regarding having a dedicated button for shooting two hooks at once over having to point and shot two separate hooks for the same effect. He should really play Feng Lee's Attack on Titan Tribute Game so he can have a good grasp on how to work the physics and make the gameplay viable.
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This video right here below is from Fenglee's Attack on Titan Tribute Game, not Guedin's. But it shows the level of awesome gameplay that Guedin should strive for in his Unreal Engine game.