Call of Duty: Ghosts - Extinction. 1-4 Co/op mode! Get ready to become extinct!

I'm sorry but is this Crysis or Gears of War? LOL. Zombies made sense I guess, but this is Starship Troopers?
Agreed that Zombies are over done now. Except for DR3!
Well I know how BF fans want a Dino I guess these concepts are far-fetched lol.
I'm kind of meh on this. Love the fact that they're doing something different, but the actual aliens seem underwhelming. They look like a lame version of Xenomorphs.
Zombies is Treyarch. This is Infinity Wards twist on the Genre. As a matter of fact, this is probably the game mode that Treyarch helped Infinity Ward with!

Sorry, a lot of people forget that there are two different developers that make up the COD world.
Zombies is Treyarch. This is Infinity Wards twist on the Genre. As a matter of fact, this is probably the game mode that Treyarch helped Infinity Ward with!

Sorry, a lot of people forget that there are two different developers that make up the COD world.
I'm well aware there are two different devs. It's pretty obvious that this was made because of the popularity Zombie Mode brings though.
Look for there to be 4 MP maps and 1 Extinction map in each DLC pack, and look for people to complain about that 1 Extinction map not being separate.
Look for there to be 4 MP maps and 1 Extinction map in each DLC pack, and look for people to complain about that 1 Extinction map not being separate.

Why should they not ? Why should people have to pay for maps for modes they hold no great interest in ? but this will be a small issue in comparison with the price hike I am sure will come for COD map packs. $25-$30 for 4-5 maps. You heard it here first.
but this will be a small issue in comparison with the price hike I am sure will come for COD map packs. $25-$30 for 4-5 maps. You heard it here first.

Season pass is $50, which is the price the last few "season passes" have been, so there is about a 0% chance the map pack prices will increase.
Good to see a change of pace. Zombies have been in since World at War and combined with Left 4 Dead, it seems that a million zombie games have popped up out of nowhere the past 5 years. When cowboy game Red Dead gets a zombie DLC, you know zombies are everywhere.

How many wanna bet in the next few years all these modern military games suddenly get "alien modes"?
The alien scrubs look like the Gears ones. CoD + Gears = Beast.

Gears of Duty!
I prefer the spec ops missions. As long as they keep developing those and expanding on them, I will be happy.