Clone Wars - New Season Finale Trailer

Part 1 of the final arc was nuts. I was too distracted by the incredible art/animation to be impacted by the dialogue and story. So good.
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I need to catch up on the last couple season. I also haven’t finished all of Rebels. Hopefully Disney+ makes a new animated show down the road I like em.
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This final arc (and finale) elevates The Clone Wars as more than just a cartoon. It has filled an enormous hole through the telling of a story capped by pain, loss, and unrelenting resolve. The impact and emotional depth it brings to the Star Wars mythos is truly profound.

It is however critical for viewers to watch the entire series and the motion pictures in order to truly appreciate what Filoni has done with this final arc. And although not a prerequisite, Rebels is an absolute necessity as well - but can be enjoyed after watching Clone Wars.

If you enjoyed The Clone Wars, you’ll love Star Wars Rebels. Both of these series taken together is peak storytelling and go deep into Star Wars lore, boldly expanding it far beyond the films. You’ll fall in love with the characters, and you’re going to enjoy the finale.