

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2013
Louisville, KY
I was browsing through some gaming websites yesterday and ran into a game called Evolve. All I know is that you can play as a creature that evolves to more powerful iterations when it feeds on wild life, and up to four players act as hunters attempting to track it down and slay it. I looked around for more information on this game because it sounds pretty unique. Anyone heard about this game?
Yep. There was some discussion it. Worth keeping an eye it alright. OXM ran a big article on it about two weeks ago.
Yeah, there was a thread about it because Gamestop advertised it as a something to flip out over. It's a bit of old news and I think most of us are kind half meh and half interested. Honestly, until they show gameplay, I have no real reason to get enthusiastic about it.
It's 4 vs 1 gameplay. I don't know, it's interesting but it seems more like a gameplay mode of a larger MP game rather than just a game on its own. however the GI article I read about it seemed very complimentary so I guess we'll have to see.
Seems to be a lot like L4D. Definitely something to keep an eye on.
It's on the cover of this month's GI. "From the creators of L4D, a new breed of multiplayer..."
I'm absolutely excited about it. Just not much info on it really. E3 is gonna be awesome this year.
Just got my copy of GI :) Looking forward to reading it to see if I can get some more details on this one.
Not sure what to think of this game. Could be good but right now it's just there for me. Might turn out to be a surprise which I guess is better than being super hyped and then let down.
I was surprised by L4D when it came out. Didn't think I'd really like it but after a couple times playing I really enjoyed it.
I have over 600 hours in left4dead games.. Was just so amazing on PC and still play it every once in a while.