FFX/X-2 remaster


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Cornerstone Member
Sep 11, 2013
Looks like it's getting some pretty good reviews. Averaging 86 at the moment.


Here are some excerpts:

IGN, 93:

Final Fantasy X is a brilliant game that every JRPG fan should have played by now, and whether you’re experiencing it for the first time or returning for another playthrough, Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster is outstanding. With enhanced art and music, tons of extra in-game content, cross-save compatibility, and bundling two huge games for the price of one, it’s a lot of bang for your buck.


Gaming Age, 91:

I really believe this to be one of the best high-definition repackages on the market, surpassing just about every other publisher’s efforts to date. This isn’t just a simple nostalgia cash-grab that you’ll be disappointed with, but instead this comes off as a fantastic effort to preserve the fond memories of both titles for any Final Fantasy fan.


Game Informer, 90:

Even years later, Final Fantasy X is still an exciting RPG, telling a compelling story with plenty of momentum. While the crazy girls-night-out theatrics of X-2 might still cause you to roll your eyes, the battle system is still fast and fun. For those who want the complete arc of the Final Fantasy X saga, the collection delivers. Even without a nostalgic lens, both games hold up well.


Hardcore Gamer, 90:

It’s hard to say much bad about this bundle because of how polished it is. Final Fantasy X is one of the best main installments in the whole franchise, so giving it a fresh coat of paint should only be seen as a delightful treat. It’s a classic game that should be talked about in the same breath as the handful of other genre-defining gems out there. Although its sequel hardly possesses that same level of magic, it’s still not an awful game by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, it’s pretty solid, though certainly different than its older brother. Still, what we’re getting here is a remastering that is jam-packed with new content, audio and enhanced visuals. To just put it bluntly: buy this game. Even if you’ve played both titles before, there’s enough here to warrant a purchase. Final Fantasy X, at least, should be played by anyone who considers themselves even the slightest fan of roleplaying games.


Destructoid, 80:

As far as videogame remasters go, Final Fantasy X and X-2 are at the top of the list as far as quality is concerned. It's clear that Square Enix put a lot of time into both of these beloved titles, and as a series fan I really appreciate that. They've made both of these great games even better with this remastering, and any fan of either should definitely check them out.


And a negative one, for balance:

Game Revolution, 7/10:

Many of the issues that people complained about in Final Fantasy XIII are present: corridor environments, half-baked characters, poor vocal performances, and an emphasis on beautiful cut-scenes over enjoyable gameplay. Additionally it has some anachronisms the developers didn’t fix in the remaster, like the necessity of save points, random encounters, the incredible stiffness of the animations, etc.

Chances are, Final Fantasy X fans have already bought Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster, and I have invited their ire with a largely negative review of that game. But for non-fans or the curious, I don’t recommend the game except for those anachronistically curious about a world of grinding, constant random battles, and a shoehorned- happy-go-lucky protagonist whose storyline fits a more sullen one. It was a giant step forward at the time, but it just doesn’t hold up under scrutiny anymore, compared to advances in contemporary RPG gameplay.

Thank you SE for outsourcing the port work to an external team! I need to pick this up.
Never played either one. Strange because I played FF 7-9. Probably because it was on the PS2 and I never got the PS2.
Can't wait to play Final Fantasy X in HD on the PS3. It's by far my favorite in the franchise.
Fun game finished the first never finished the 2nd one. got to say this one had the best love story out of all the FF's I've played. Ending spoiler.

When the girl tries to hug the dude by running to him at the end of the game and just goes right throw him oh such heart break.