Mua'dib's Thread of Remembrance: The Console Launch Commercials


Sep 19, 2013
Hey,you f***ers. Y'know there should be a another forum (bearing my glorious name) dedicated to retro and defunct console gaming,but we'll leave that for another day. Anyway,with MS and Sony are releasing their launch TV Ads as we prepare to enter the 8th Generation,maybe its a good idea to remember all those first commercials of gaming consoles from ages gone by and get a grip h0w things have changed over the years. So get ready to laugh,cry and scratch your head as we randomly remember

Atari XE

Odyssey 2


Atari 7800

The Fairchild Channel F
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They just don't make em like they used to.
What's funny (showing my age) is that I have actually played all but 4 of these.. :) - and I've owned (well my parents did) a majority of them.....
Those Saturn commercials with the geeky guys wearing pointing hats were funny.
My age is showing when I say I haven't even heard of probably half of these consoles.
The Intellivision Keyboard Component was a mess and only 4,000 were sold. The rest recalled or something. If someone has hold of one it'll sell for a mint.
Now here's a real piece of history,Ralph Baer playing the proto console that'd eventually become the first Odyssey:

I'm 37 and have been playing since the 2600, but I don't remember ANY commercials earlier than ones for the NES.