New Saint's Row game confirmed!

Meh. Don't get me wrong, I have really enjoyed the Saints Row series (thought I haven't played 4). But this doesn't need to be a yearly franchise.

Volition is a very talented studio as well, I was kind of hoping that they'd put their talent toward a new IP.
That was quick, reminds me that I got to finish Saints Row 4 (have many games that needs to finish).
I love me some Saints Row (one of my top new IP's of the last generation) so this is good news. I just hope they don't go with annual releases now, it'll get old quickly.
Last 2 games have felt like add one rather than full games.
So where does this story go next? I sort of felt it was played out in the last installment. I mean, the next installment, they break into hell to steal some bit of power from the devil, wind up as God, of everything that existed...

Although, the next one certainly needs Jason Statham in it. They should Probably license Machete as well.