PS4 "Frozen" edition coming to Japan

You keep on forgetting that kids love the movie. When a children's product is popular enough, it can become huge. It's not like it's that popular among actual adults. They're just around because of their kids.

But in relation to other musicals/disney movies, it is dominating without being better, is what I'm saying.

On topic though, Is there a "Frozen" game? It seems odd that there would be a special console without a big game to go with it. It's like having a Ninja Turtles Xbox, or something.
That's a much better name,. In Germany, its called the 'die Eiskönigin', which means the Ice Queen. Kudos to the Japanese singer, the Song was faithfully reproduced in Japanese.

The Blu-Ray has a few of the foreign language version on it, the Italian version is quite popular in my household