Revisiting Crysis 2 mp (pc)


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2013
I never got into Crysis 2 mp, but I decided to reinstall to try it out. I'm burned out on CoD, and I haven't touched it in quite a few days, so I wanted a shooter fix that wasn't BF3 (I know that I'll get my BF fix come next week).

Anyway....why didn't C2 mp get more respect? I've been playing it, and I gotta say, it's pretty damn good. Not a lot playing on pc, but certainly enough to find full lobbies. I'm really having a lot of fun and now wonder why it didn't get more attention. Sure, it doesn't have a large selection of weapons or crazy killstreaks, but the jumping/wall climbing and stealth makes gives it a unique take on mp shooters. The maps are also pretty decent.