Rumour: Criterion developing Battlefield spin-off for FY2015


Best hit detection you'll ever see.
Sep 11, 2013

UPDATE: Pachter changes his mind, thinks Visceral's doing it instead.

Former Need For Speed developer Criterion Games is developing a Battlefield spin-off due for release in the next financial year, according to analyst firm Wedbush Securities.

In a report provided to today, Wedbush said:

"Although EA has as yet to announce a Battlefield extension for FY:15, we believe Criterion Games is working on a military shooter that may become a brand extension for the Battlefield franchise in FY:15.

"DICE is responsible for Battlefield 4 and the patch, and DICE's two studios (in Stockholm and London) are currently working on Mirror's Edge 2 (announced at E3 and likely a FY:16 release) and Star Wars Battlefront (announced at E3, and possibly a FY:17 release)."

The report later states that Wedbush "spoke with [EA] management on Thursday afternoon, and although they have not yet announced a version of Battlefield for FY:15, they confirmed that our understanding is spot on and that if a version of Battlefield were to be released in FY:15, it would be developed by a studio other than DICE."

Criterion previously developed the Burnout and Black series of games before moving onto the Need For Speed franchise in the late 2000s.

However, the studio splintered into two teams during the summer, with the majority going on to form Ghost Games UK. The remainder is thought to be working on a new title under the name Criterion Zero.

UPDATE: A 3D Modelling Artist at digital production company Technicolor also claims to be working on a Battlefield game due for release in 2014.

UPDATE 2: EA UK provided with a "no comment" when contacted about Wedbush Securities' comments earlier this afternoon.

UPDATE 3: Despite prior comments, Wedbush analyst Michael Pachter has since told Eurogamer that he believes Dead Space developer Visceral Games is actually developing the game, not Criterion.

Source: Wedbush Securities Update Thursday, December 5
doesn't need to be a spin off of anything BF related atm, they need to fix BF4 first and regain some confidence. The singleplayer is also a something they should focus resources towards before branching out imo. If they can't do Bf4 completely right they should hire on help to do BF5 right, then move on to more.
BF4 should be DICE's main focus I agree but I'd love a new Bad Company game in the future.
Criterion is well known for creating more than zero fps shooter gapfffffffffttttttttttttttHAHAHAHAHA! Damn it Pachter lol.
We have seen how this racer turned shooter played out before in "The Club"...remember that one? anyone? anyone?

I also thought Visceral was making a "Star Wars" maybe they are the ones handling Battlefield SW? Or maybe its a "NFS Battlefield Madden featuring FIFA" game?
I'm guessing it's typical EA. They have been hammering DICE for years to put Battlefield out every single year like Call of Duty. They've always smartly declined. I'm guessing now EA is having Criterion make a Battlefield so they can have it out almost every single year, just get another studio to do it! Classic business.

I mean how many studios work on Call of Duty now:
Infinity Ward

...and that game is STILL a carbon copy running on a 14 year old engine every year.