Yeah! Science, b****!


I am a sinner.
Sep 11, 2013

Yep, still a problem. The vaccine could solve it however. No side effects have been found, awesome. Nope, not even autism. Thats pretty cool, as it could solve problems in the future. sauce:

The drug blocks a protein that causes the body to ignore the cancer cells or something. I'm not in medical school (yet). Either way, another awesome thing to combat the horrible disease. Shoutout to @RustyGrizwald who recently beat cancer. Sauce:
Sub atomic particles

The large hadron collider discovered two subatomic particles that have never been observed before. For those physics geeks, they are made of three quarks that have been observed together before, but not with the specific spins on them. I beleive they are called Xi_b' and Xi_b* *edit: as @MeatyKiwi pointed out to me, the two particles were predicted in 2009, just never produced before. Still kinda cool though. sauce


DNA survived our atmosphere, space, and re-entry. That means we could bring DNA to and from other planets.... uh oh. *edit: what I meant is that, in the future, should the situation come about, we could potentially infect other worlds with earth-native DNA, or bring back extra-terrestrial DNA by accident.... sauce:
solar panels

Sorry, meme is a little bit misleading. So this could increase efficiency of solar panels 8%, and possibly even adding 20% efficiency. Wow. right now, the best is 41%. Imagine solar panels that get 60% efficiency, free energy. sauce:
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Kind of ends with an anti climax after a cool start.
Cool stuff.

When I started reading the sub atomic particles one I thought for sure it was the start of a joke that would ultimately lead with them in a bar.
10. Hypervelocity Stars

Everyone knows that shooting stars are just meteors entering the atmosphere, right? If you didn’t, congratulations you just failed the fourth grade. What some people don’t know, however, is that real shooting stars exist as well; they’re called hypervelocity stars. These are big, fiery balls of gas rocketing through space at millions of miles per hour.When a binary star system is gobbled down by the supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy, one of the two partners is consumed, while the other is ejected at high speed. Just try to imagine a huge ball of gas, four times the size of our sun, hurtling out from our galaxy at millions of miles per hour.

9. The Planet From Hell


Gliese 581 c wants to kill you. This planet orbits a red dwarf star, many times smaller than our Sun, with a luminosity of only 1.3% of our sun. This means that the planet is far closer to its star than we are to ours. Because of this, it is stuck in a state of tidal locking, meaning that one side of the planet is always facing the star, and one side is always facing away, just like our moon’s relationship with Earth.The tidal locking of the planet alone results in some pretty odd features. Stepping out onto the star-side of the planet would immediately melt your face off, whereas standing on the opposite side of the planet, where there is no sun, would freeze you instantly. However, in between these two extremes is a small belt where life could theoretically exist.

8. The Castor System


As if one or two giant, fiery balls of gas weren't enough, here we have the Castor System. As one of the two bright stars from the Gemini constellation in our night sky, it has some serious luminosity. This is because the Castor System isn't one, or two, but six stars, all orbiting around a common central mass.Three binary star systems orbit each other here, with two hot and bright A-Type stars being stuck in the system, as well as four M-type red dwarves. All together, though, these six stars put out roughly 52.4 times more luminosity than that of our sun.

7. Space Raspberries and Rum


For the last few years, scientists have been studying a dust cloud near the center of our Milky Way galaxy. If there’s a God out there, it seems that he decided to get creative—this dust cloud, named Sagittarius B2, smells of rum and tastes like raspberries.The gas cloud in question consists largely of ethyl formate, which is known to give raspberries their taste, and rum its distinctive smell. This large cloud is said to contain a billion, billion, billion liters of the stuff—which would be great, if it wasn't rendered undrinkable by pesky particles like propyl cyanide.The creation and distribution of these more complex molecules is still a mystery to scientists, however, so we won’t be opening up an intergalactic pub anytime soon.

6. A Planet of Burning Ice


Do you remember Gliese? That hell-hole of a star that we talked about earlier? We’re heading back to the same solar system for this one. As if one murderous planet wasn't enough, Gliese supports a planet made almost entirely out of ice, that's at 439 degrees Celsius. Gliese 436 b is, quite simply, a burning ice cube. Imagine Hoth from Star Wars, except that it’s on fire. The only reason this ice stays solid is because of the huge amount of water present on the planet; the gravity pulls it all in towards the core, keeping the water molecules so densely packed that they cannot evaporate.

5. The Diamond Planet


55 Cancri e is made entirely out of crystallized diamond, which would would be priced at 26.9 nonillion dollars (A nonillion is a 1 followed by 30 zeros).The huge diamond planet was once a star in a binary system, until its partner began to cannibalize it. However, the star was not able to pull its carbon core away, and carbon is just a ton of heat and pressure away from being a diamond, so at a surface temperature of 1648 degrees Celsius, the conditions are almost perfect. One third of the mass of the planet is said to be pure diamond, and whereas Earth is covered in water and abundant in oxygen, this planet is made mainly of graphite, diamond, and a few other silicates.

4. The Himiko Cloud


If there has ever been any object that has shown us the origins of a primordial galaxy, this is it. The Himiko Cloud is the most massive object ever found in the early universe, and it dates to only 800 million years after the Big Bang. The Himiko Cloud astounds scientists with its sheer size, roughly half that of our Milky Way Galaxy. Himiko belongs to what is known as the “reionization epoch,” or the period from around 200 million to one billion years after the Big Bang, and it’s the first glimpse scientists have managed to get of the early formation of galaxies

3. The Universe’s Largest Water Reservoir


Twelve billion light years away, the universe’s largest water reservoir resides in the heart of a quasar. Containing 140 trillion times the amount of water in Earth’s oceans, and found near the colossal black hole at the center of the quasar, the water unfortunately manifests itself in the form of a massive cloud of gas, several hundred light years in diameter.

2. The Universe’s Largest Electrical Current


Only a few years ago, scientists stumbled upon an electrical current of cosmic proportions: 10^18 amps, or roughly one trillion lightning bolts. The lightning is thought to originate from an enormous black hole in the center of the galaxy, which has a core that is supposedly a “huge cosmic jet.” Apparently, the black hole’s huge magnetic field allows it to fire up this lightning bolt through gas and dust to a distance of over one hundred and fifty thousand light years away. And we thought that our galaxy was big, this single lightning bolt is one and a half times the size of it.

1. The LQG


This structure, my friends, is the Large Quasar Group. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is only one hundred thousand light years across. Think about that for a moment; if something happens on the far side of the galaxy, it would take a hundred thousand years for the light to reach the opposite end. That means that when we watch an event take place at the other end of our galaxy, it actually occurred when the human species was just beginning to form. Now, take that length of time, and multiply it by forty thousand. The Large Quasar Group is four billion light years across. The cluster of seventy-four quasars actually breaks the rules of standard astrophysics, since the maximum size of any cosmic structure should be only 1.2 billion light years across. Scientists have absolutely no idea how this huge structure formed, since they had previously only been aware of other clusters of perhaps several hundred million light years across.
^ Number 9 on that list of planets is awesome.
Sounds like a good year for space-things.

Attempting to detect ripples in space-time sounds cool.
Sodium Polyacrylate + Water = Artificial Snow

Flamable fluid in a glass jar

Burning Mecury Thiocyanate

Steam Vaccum


Ferrofluid in a glass bottle

Fire Extinguishing Grenade

Mercury vs Aluminium

Hydrogen Peroxide mixed with Potassium Iodide

Electrical discharge

A neodymium magnet falling through a copper pipe

camouflage octopus.




crushing a barrel

golfball vs. wall

hot water in cold air


A carnation frozen in liquid nitrogen is hit by a hammer

Iodine clock reaction

A mimic octopus stops mimicking the ocean floor

Blood meets hydrogen peroxide

Snake venom meets blood


Cesium in Water

Slicing a Bead of Mercury in Half

Bullet Hitting Steel Wall

Perfect Physics

Slow Motion Slinky Drop

So we have the clearest pictures of the surface of Mars and it's of the ground around the Rover? Show us sh!t in the distance at that quality.
I wonder how many more years it will be before there is a cure for aging and death. Or a vehicle that uses sea water as fuel.
A team of scientists create the first lab grown beating heart
by hansthegerman · a day ago
decellularized mouse heart.

Using various enzymes and special cleansing detergents, the researchers stripped a mouse heart of all its cells to create a scaffold for induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), adult human cells that are reprogrammed to act like embryonic cells. so they basically just leave a blank heart with blood vessels
during the transplant they inject the patients cells into it

blood vessels become more detailed in this one

the first lab grown beating heart

this heart beats at a rate of 40-50 beats per minute. This could eventually lead to personalized organ transplants, or even just a great way to study in the lab the way they human heart develops or how it responds to drugs. check out this vid:
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Yeah yeah, a lab grown heart, cool I guess. What I want to know is how to get my hands on that cell phone battery that can be fully charged in 30 seconds!
10. Space Smells

According to astronauts who have returned from space missions, space smells like a mixture of hot metal, welding fumes and seared steak.
9. Gravitational Lensing

There is a bizarre phenomenon that scientists call gravitational lensing which happens when gravity bends light to the point that objects appear in a different location to where they actually exist. A solitary black hole betrays its presence solely through gravity, which bends and warps the light of more distant objects.
8. Perspective

Due to an amazing coincidence of the Moon being 400 times smaller, and 400 times closer than the Sun, they both appear to be the same size.
7. International Space Station

At $150billion, the International Space Station is the most expensive object ever built. At the size of a football field, The International Space Station is only as roomy as a five-bedroom house, and travels at a speed of 17,500 mph. This means that Astronauts onboard the International Space Station view fifteen sunrises and sunsets every 24 hours.
6. Tall Tale

Astronauts typically gain two inches in height while in space. Due to the lack of gravity, the spines of astronauts elongate by up to three percent while they are in space. This is a similar effect to what happens while you sleep as less gravitational force is being applied to your spine while you lie down which is why we are fractionally taller when we wake up as opposed to going to bed.
5. Thirsty for Knowledge?

Two teams of astronauts have discovered a large reservoir of water floating in space that is the equivalent to 140 trillion times the water of our ocean. The water is in a cloud around a huge black hole that is in the process of sucking in matter and spraying out energy (such an active black hole is called a quasar), and the waves of energy the black hole releases make water by literally knocking hydrogen and oxygen atoms together.
4. True Colors

In space the Sun appears white as opposed to yellow here on earth. Due to Earth’s atmosphere, shorter and more energetic wavelength photons of light are scattered and deflected before they reach the ground. This means that we usually only see particles with longer wavelengths such as yellow, orange and red. This explains why to our eyes, the Sun appears yellow instead of white.
3. Crazy Weather

On Venus, it snows metalgalena and bismuthinite. The weather on Venus is extreme. The entire atmosphere of the planet circulates around quickly, with winds blowing as fast as 360 kilometers/hour. Cloud systems can travel around the planet completely in about 4 days. The winds blow in a retrograde direction, and are the fastest near the poles. As you approach the equator, the wind speeds die down to almost nothing.
2. Cool Stars

Last August NASA scientists offered a first look at a peculiar class of stellar wallflowers called Y dwarfs. Unlike typical stars, which burn steadily at thousands of degrees, the warmest of these Jupiter-size objects are just hot enough to bake cookies, and the coolest barely break room temperature.
1. It's A small World After All

Earth can be seen as a pale blue dot in the picture above – 6 billion Kilometers away. This photograph was taken by Voyager 1 in 1990 at a distance of 6 billion kilometers away. In the picture above, Earth is sized at a fraction of a pixel (0.12) against the vastness that is space. Even from within our own solar system, this picture provides some insight into how small we are in the cosmos.
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Some things Chris Hadfield showed us about Space

Wringing out a soaked washcloth

Nails must be clipped over an air duct to prevent them from floating around

Astronauts use tortillas instead of bread for sandwiches to avoid crumbs

When brushing your teeth, the only way to get rid of toothpaste is to swallow it

Astronauts have specially designed barf bags to keep vomit completely contained

You can’t use water when shaving so astronauts use a special shaving cream that helps keep hairs from floating away

To cut their hair in space, astronauts use a hair clipper attached to a vacuum to prevent hair from floating away

Vegetables come in dehydrated packs and require rehydration from a special machine before eating. This is spinach

Desserts in space mostly come in pudding form packed in pouches. This is chocolate pudding cake

To wash their hands, astronauts use a pre-packaged pouch of soapy water

Look at deez nutz

Sleeping in space requires specially tethered sleeping bags in small sleeping compartments so you don’t float everywhere
Some things Chris Hadfield showed us about Space

Wringing out a soaked washcloth

Nails must be clipped over an air duct to prevent them from floating around

Astronauts use tortillas instead of bread for sandwiches to avoid crumbs

When brushing your teeth, the only way to get rid of toothpaste is to swallow it

Astronauts have specially designed barf bags to keep vomit completely contained

You can’t use water when shaving so astronauts use a special shaving cream that helps keep hairs from floating away

To cut their hair in space, astronauts use a hair clipper attached to a vacuum to prevent hair from floating away

Vegetables come in dehydrated packs and require rehydration from a special machine before eating. This is spinach

Desserts in space mostly come in pudding form packed in pouches. This is chocolate pudding cake

To wash their hands, astronauts use a pre-packaged pouch of soapy water

Look at deez nutz

Sleeping in space requires specially tethered sleeping bags in small sleeping compartments so you don’t float everywhere
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Knowledge Bomb Vol 1
by mkorz · 18 hours ago
Knowledge Bomb Vol 1

How A Coffee Maker Works

...with no moving parts. EDIT: The brilliant engineering behind your cheap coffee maker.

How A Differential Works

A bit lengthy, but one of the best explainers I've seen. Skip to 3:39 to get to the demo. EDIT: How a differential (the thingy that allows your wheels to spin at different speeds and thus allows a car to turn) works.

The Animal That Wouldn't Die

250 years ago, Abraham Trembley discovered a creature which, in the right conditions, does not seem to age or die.

The Law You Won't Be Told

When you're 100% beyond-a-reasonable-doubt guilty, but the jurors think you shouldn't be punished. EDIT: Just hearing about this “secret law” may prevent you from serving on a jury.

There Is No Pink Light

EDIT: There is no such thing as pink light. Seriously.

Why The News Media Cares What You Think ...not sure.