Selfies from GTAV

I want to click that link so bad, but I've avoided everything GTA5 since the announcement trailer and keep avoiding it until I'm able to afford it. I haven't even seen review scores or anyones opinion for that matter, so I ask you BDaddyK, what do YOU think of it?
Some of these are so funny. Such a great feature.

I love it, and I don't even own it, I've played a fair bit of it w/friends. I'm trying to hold off on buying it. I have a newborn, little over a month old, so between him and my other son I'm running short on sleep now, add GTAV to the mix and I'll get no sleep. That said, if you liked San Andreas, you'll love GTAV, the closest you'll come to being able to do all the crazy s***e and prolly more that SA offered. I think I'm going to crack this weekend though, I'm going to pick up a game for my sons B-Day, so I just might "have" to get GTAV
The comparison to SA without me leading you into it was exactly what I wanted to hear, now the wait is going to be even worse. SA had to be one of the best GTA games I ever played. I still can't believe people used to complain about it's size. Filling a plane with my homies and jumping out at the highest point of flight while parachuting down watching the plane hurtle to the ground with them all inside is still one of the most giggle inducing things I've experience in a game. Good thing my gang was loyal!
Oh I feel you on that, SA is the high water mark of the series for me too. I loved the size and diversity of SA, the amount of things you could do we're endless, aside from Saints Row 2 co-op I've not laughed as hard playing another game.