Sony E3 2014 conference guesses


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2013
So far Sony Santa Monica, Media Molecule, and Guerilla Games have all said they're not showing anything at E3 2014. They're all working on multiple unannounced projects, but not showing them yet. Naughty Dog has an unannounced project in the works as well.

We might see something from Sony Bend, Japan Studio, Sony London, Sony Online Studios, Quantic Dream, Polyphony Digital, Guerrilla Cambridge, San Diego Studio, Sucker Punch, Pixelopus, etc. They're likely all working on PS4 games.

Stuff that will almost certainly be there:
Naughty Dog trailers for TLOU Remake, Uncharted 4
Ready at Dawn trailer for The Order: 1886
Evolution Studios trailer for DriveClub
From Software trailer for Project Beast rumored
Japan Studio trailer for The Last Guardian rumored
Trailers for Destiny, FF15, Assassin's Creed Unity, and other major AAA 3rd party games.
Indie game sizzle reel that everyone will complain about
Another remake of a PS3 game that everyone will complain about
Sales talk, bragging, 8 million+ PS4s sold

Chances of a new AAA game reveal for 2014 are slim. Driveclub and TLOU Remake are probably the only two 1st party exclusives for the rest of the year. Lots of games in development, but few to reveal at this point.
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The Last Guardian or bust.

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Reactions: Smurfboy
- UC 4 teaser
- DC footage
- 1886 footage
- Indie games
- More Deep Down
- Various third party games (probably UBI related)
- A few Vita games
- Gaikai (info, games, availability, price)
- More info about HD remakes like TLoU and some others in the hopper

God of War teaser is a possibility, but the next Gran Turismo won't be shown so DC could get all the racing PR.
Watch all the studios who said they won't be there show up. Surprise!!!

The Last Guardian could be a "Megaton", but until there is a release date no one will believe it.
I think we'll see Uncharted 4 in some form. Probably some more DriveClub gameplay. I think the only megaton they could really have is The Last Guardian but that's probably not happening. I think it'll be mostly third party stuff.

Should be a good show either way. 2.5 hours to go!
the order
mortal kombat 10
drive club
no man sky
uncharted 4 teaser

i hope we see some stuff for morpheus.
I'm pumped, but for the exclusives its really hard to be excited since sony shows their games WAAAYY out, so anything new and exciting will probably be at least a year from now, maybe a surprise.

Give me Last of Us and planetside 2 this month and all will be forgiven. Really pumped about PS2 and the changes they have made. I just wonder how many players in a server, will be interesting.
Some type of JRPG announcement (because I refuse to believe that all 3 of the big 3 pressers will go without one)
Uncharted 4
Playstation Now
Indie games
Drive Club
Batman: Arkham Knight(Maybe)
TLoU PS4 remake date
FF7 remake
The Last Guardian teaser(coming soon)
Legacy of Kain
GTA 5 1080p 60fps(coop story thats independent)

Those are the surprises I want
In IGN Sony pre show they are saying they think The Last Guardian could make an appearance. I hope so!
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I'll guess Sony will open with a BS power point with sales numbers and all this other BS they like to do every year. love them to just get right into it like MS and no BS talking more then 2 mins between demo's or videos.
I'll guess Sony will open with a BS power point with sales numbers and all this other BS they like to do every year. love them to just get right into it like MS and no BS talking more then 2 mins between demo's or videos.
I hope not. Now is not that time for that crap IMO.
In IGN Sony pre show they are saying they think The Last Guardian could make an appearance. I hope so!

If it's true, they'll probably show it near the end.

"2 days ago, we heard a rumour about a certain game. Well, we'll just let you see for yourselves".

TLG Teaser/trailer + release date.

If it's true, they'll probably show it near the end.

"2 days ago, we heard a rumour about a certain game. Well, we'll just let you see for yourselves".

TLG Teaser/trailer + release date.

Tha-... that's not.... That's not.... His face.... ??