

xbl snake eyes65, psn snake eyes74
Sep 11, 2013
Who's excited? Back in the day I loved the nes one even though it wasn't like the arcade and then I got my genesis and I paid 79 dollars for the first 8 meg game! The announcement of both this and killer instinct made my summer.
I'm definitely interested, especially if they price it pretty cheap.
Being a download only I am hoping the price won't be too high.
Did you ever play the Playstation game? It had the original Strider (arcade genesis one) and Strider 2.. which took like 45 minutes to complete. hah
I wants, s*** that re release of Ducktales was awesome, I'm sure Strider is gonna be great.
I still have the PlayStation one. The misprint for the discs back in the day had me confused. My daughter was playing it a couple weeks back and she loved it.
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