The 25-year legacy of Street Fighter II


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2013

Man, Street Fighter II, Street Fighter fricking II. What an amazing game, what genre defining game, what a generation defining game, what an arcade revitalising game. Damn thing is 25 years old.

I think over the years I have probably re-purchased Street Fighter II more than any other game in various guises on multiple platforms, from the terrible versions on Amiga to various repackaged collections of much better quality on PlayStation, Saturn and Xbox.

They should put out another Street Fighter collection on current gen so I can buy it again for the 2456th time. Actually Capcom should totally do a complete 2D Street Fighter package like Rare Replay with all the games from the awful first one to SF3 Third Strike and include the 3 Alpha games as well (Street Fighter The Movie as a 'bonus' unlockable). The only recent home port of Super Street Fighter II Turbo was the HD Remix that looked like a Flash game and was just not the same.

Failing that, make SF2 HF, Third Strike and HD Remix backwards compatible on Xbox One and save me some money.
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When I was a teen I used to ride my bike almost 5 miles one way with 50 cents just to play SF2.
When it came out for the SNES my friend stopped by and said its out early we gotta leave now and I left the house wearing JUST shorts(as I just woke up)

Would luv to play SF2 HD Remix or SF3 with online support on either the PC,XBO or PS4.
Heck Id even rebuy them.
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I have one of the versions on SNES. Been a while since I've played it.
I feel old now. I remember going to the arcade after schools to play.
I used to play turbo snes at toysrus for hours. Ken and Bison ftw
One of the best. I can remember going to a friend's house for sleepovers and we'd play Street Fighter II on the SNES until the sun came up.
Only played the game a few times in arcades, but had the SNES version..... $95 + tax! Fantastic game.

I'm surprised so few people took Blanka. Such a great character. Powerful attacks and his crouching strong punch was literally only 1-2 frames, had a long range and took off probably 30% of health. I'd crouch, defend and spam that against all comers. Defending against jumping attacks was doable, but tricky as his lifting punch, and his somersault back flip kick had short range. But still solid if you got the timing right.

Since he doesn't attack like a regular human character, his moves were also weird and awkward. So defending against him took practice vs. defending against the usual kicks, punches and fireballs of Ryu and Ken and Chun Li. Blanka's grab and bite was ridiculous too.

But any character with a projectile had an immediate advantage. SF should never have had fireballs or sonic booms to begin with.
Great thing about SFII/Super SF on SNES was you could set the CPU on a 1-8 star difficulty scale (8 stars being hardest) in Arcade Mode.

In SF II, you go through the entire roster of fighters, except you couldn't control Balrog, Vega, Sagat or Bison. Those 4 were CPU only.

But in Super SF II I think you could control all characters.
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