The end of an era... (Steve Ballmer's last Company Meeting)


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2013
While some would say Steve Ballmer should have left a long time ago, no one can deny that Steve loved Microsoft and all of the people in the company. I've never seen a CEO with such passion and adoration for his company.

The highlight of every company meeting was Ballmer coming out to carefully selected songs which would fill the audience with enthusiasm and excitement. The way he'd run through the crowds, giving out high-fives, screaming to all of us with utter glee and vigor at where we are, and where we're going.

I'm sure Steve's replacement will be a good fit for Microsoft. I'm sure they'll usher in fresh blood, new innovation, and a winning strategy... but will they love the company as purely and genuinely as Steve? I doubt it. Will they have the same brute passion for our success? I don't think it's possible... but even as Steve heads out, he's motivating me to do my best every day, and I'll continue to think about his incredible persistence and passion to inspire me.

This may sound utterly ridiculous, and I'm sure it'll become the butt of jokes around here... but I gotta' be honest... today's company meeting had so much to do with helping the world and helping others through devices and services, that Steve's send off literally brought me to tears. I choked up as he proclaimed his sincere gratitude to all of us one last time, and walked out to "I've had the time of my life"...

While I'm sure MS will continue to grow, and we just may prosper all the more with new leadership... one thing is for sure... MS will never be the same, once he's gone... and I'll miss his awesomeness at our company meetings moving forward.

Best wishes, STEVE!!!