The Lighthouse

Soda Jack

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2013
If you have unlocked The Lighthouse feel free to sound off. For those that don't know, to unlock The Lighthouse social space you must complete a flawless Trials of Osiris Passage(9-0). This isn't easy to do, even for a good PvP team. For those that do make it, a new social space, and some sweet loot is the prize.

I made it to The Lighthouse for the first time last night(repping our beloved GotU clan of course). I had to get a vid, enjoy!

Good job getting to the promised land. Unfortunately I don't think I'll ever make it to the Lighthouse. I just started the Trials this past weekend. I'm not terrible at it but teaming up with random players has made things a bit more difficult in trying to get wins. But its still been fun.
Good job getting to the promised land. Unfortunately I don't think I'll ever make it to the Lighthouse. I just started the Trials this past weekend. I'm not terrible at it but teaming up with random players has made things a bit more difficult in trying to get wins. But its still been fun.
Hang in there man, it can be done. Before last night, I had spent a lot of time trying. I went 8-0 twice only to lose on the last match. It takes a team of competent players at the least. If you have a single mediocre player it can hurt your chances significantly. When I finally made it, it was with 2 random people from LFG. One was a young kid, and the other was what sounded like a teenager.
Great job my friend. That is sweet. I know it is something I would never see. Proud of ya!
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Got in on first night. :D

But yeah, if you don't have a team of pvp players, it's more stressful.

I'd be down to help some unionvgf members out once I've got my 3 out of the way for the week.
Got in on first night. :D

But yeah, if you don't have a team of pvp players, it's more stressful.

I'd be down to help some unionvgf members out once I've got my 3 out of the way for the week.

You and your ninja like reflexes its no wonder you did it on the first night. :grin:

I just want the armor for my characters so getting to the lighthouse isn't a priority for me. But just getting 5 wins with a bunch of random players is tough.
So the only way to get to the new social space is some bulls*** PvP? lol...
This thread is as likely as close as I'm ever going to get to the lighthouse. At best I'm mediocre at pvp
That happened to me twice. I know that sinking feeling as the match plays out lol. Goes from excited nervousness to a frown within a few minutes.

The worst part is up until that point I never thought I would get to the Lighthouse as I was simply happy to get 5 wins for the armor piece. But with 8 wins in my pocket I started to think that the impossible could happen which was crushed by a bunch of pros.

The good thing is I realized that I'm not as bad at PVP as I thought. Myself and another player were carrying the third player on the team and even with that handicap I was getting lots of kills. In one instance I was the last guardian standing and was able to take out two enemy players. But I won't let that go to my head since they rushed me because the numbers were in their favor but I was able to slay them as they sprinted to my location. But it felt good to snatch the win out from under them. I'll keep trying for the Lighthouse but I'll probably stop trying if it doesn't happen by the time all my characters have their Trials armor set.
The worst part is up until that point I never thought I would get to the Lighthouse as I was simply happy to get 5 wins for the armor piece. But with 8 wins in my pocket I started to think that the impossible could happen which was crushed by a bunch of pros.

The good thing is I realized that I'm not as bad at PVP as I thought. Myself and another player were carrying the third player on the team and even with that handicap I was getting lots of kills. In one instance I was the last guardian standing and was able to take out two enemy players. But I won't let that go to my head since they rushed me because the numbers were in their favor but I was able to slay them as they sprinted to my location. But it felt good to snatch the win out from under them. I'll keep trying for the Lighthouse but I'll probably stop trying if it doesn't happen by the time all my characters have their Trials armor set.

I'll try to help you this week but pvp's been annoying because of that swarm grenade and quick golden gun trick for gunslingers. puke.

What's the loot that you receive for getting to the lighthouse?

You get a chest that can give you a chance at an exotic weapon or gear, a random elemental damage of the osiris weapons, etheric light, unique exotic emblem, chance of osiris gear, motes of light, etc. Usually a 4 or 5 piece drop.
Got the crappy AR from the chest this week. Ill try it in the PvE since it does Void. Feels like a wasted trip..
Added you as well. How come you got an X1 for destiny ?

I have other people I could play with in my clan and I also wanted to check out the crucible scene on Xbox to compare against the PS. I had people who served as a guest during the House of Wolves reveal tell me that there are way more people playing on the Playstation side.
I'll be streaming tonight if anyone's interested in watching a 3v3 tournament set up by WRECKnation. :)
Got the crappy AR from the chest this week. Ill try it in the PvE since it does Void. Feels like a wasted trip..

Do you have to meet the requirements each weekly reset to access the Lighthouse, or once you unlock it, it's always open?
Do you have to meet the requirements each weekly reset to access the Lighthouse, or once you unlock it, it's always open?
At the moment you have to do it each week. Once its unlocked you can go there until the reset. Its labeled "Social", but no one is ever there, at least not when I go there. Im betting that Bungie isn't done with it yet. The Grimoire card talks about the Cult of Osiris that has set up shop at the Lighthouse. I also noticed that one of the Osiris items that I have disrespects the Speaker in its description at the top. I smell a twist.
We need a intervention for DriedMangoes. He has now double down his playing time to two console version of the Destiny. He needs help guys.

Destiny is one hell of a drug.
We need a intervention for DriedMangoes. He has now double down his playing time to two console version of the Destiny. He needs help guys.

Destiny is one hell of a drug.

lol. I wanted to scout out the PVP scene on the X1. But yeah... Destiny is pretty much mostly what I play these days. The game is damn good.