Titanfall creators working on a new series


Zork Rules
Sep 12, 2013
Titanfall creators working on a new series

Titanfall creators Respawn are recruiting for a new project, and it isn't simply Titanfall 2 - unless Titanfall 2 is a third-person action game - nor is it limiting itself to pumping out brand new maps.

Instead, two job descriptions on their website hint that they're working on a third-person action game. Respawn are looking for a Senior Animator and a Senior Character Artist, both with experience working on "3rd person action/exploration games". As VG247 points out, God of War developer Stig Asmussen jumped from Sony Santa Monica to Respawn a few months ago.

When we spoke to lead artist Joel Emslie a few months ago and raised the idea of a Titanfall 2, he said he "didn't want to jinx it, man". This was a short while before the game was to be released, and well before the new Expedition map packs were released.

For now though, if you're looking for more Titanfall, you're going to have to satiate your desire with the map packs, and also some brand new modes, one of which we got our hands all over at E3 2014.
I would pay attention to anything these guys do. I mean, they really did inject an enjoyable and much needed change into the FPS genre. Is it a coincidence that the next Call of Duty is also adding new traversal elements, could be. But Respawn got there first and with them being the creators of the hugely successful CoD series I’m backing the idea that the Respawn dudes & lady dudes are the better visionaries.
I would pay attention to anything these guys do. I mean, they really did inject an enjoyable and much needed change into the FPS genre. Is it a coincidence that the next Call of Duty is also adding new traversal elements, could be. But Respawn got there first and with them being the creators of the hugely successful CoD series I’m backing the idea that the Respawn dudes & lady dudes are the better visionaries.

They did no such thing. They took elements from PC games from 10 years ago, mixed them with action oriented mech games then added it to their trademark "COD Formula" and released a barebones game without the ability to have custom matches or a SP campaign.

It may have sold well at first but I'm sure those sales fell off hard and quick.
hmm did one of the first 2 guys not quit working in gaming like a few months after they formed Respawn?
They did no such thing. They took elements from PC games from 10 years ago, mixed them with action oriented mech games then added it to their trademark "COD Formula" and released a barebones game without the ability to have custom matches or a SP campaign.

It may have sold well at first but I'm sure those sales fell off hard and quick.

Perhaps you’re right about taking elements from PC games of ten years ago, I wouldn’t know because I’m a console only gamer. But nothing like what Titanfall is doing has ever been done on consoles. The talent at Respawn created the CoD formula so that will likely continue in their games going forward, much like how Destiny looks like Halo even though it’s a totally different beast. The point is these guys know how to make fun games that set trends. And that’s the reason to pay attention to any game they develop.

I’ll agree that Titanfall needed more content. We don’t know what kind of pressure those guys were under to put out a product that showed they were still able to make a profit. I fully expect TF2 to be much more content rich. But the fact is the core of the game is something fresh that got me and many others excited about the FPS genre again.