Top 20 Things That Need To Change in The Next Gen GTA (and similar games)


Sep 19, 2013
1) The Wanted Stars System Has To GO

Having Police helicopters materialize in seconds after you detonated a grenade in GTA V is just not fun in either SP or MP. Police response should correspond to the cops that are nearest to your committed felony,like in the game Mafia. What there should be instead is a notoriety level that increases as you do missions and affect all future missions. The greater the Notoriety,the larger the armed response you get. And the only way to lower your notoriety is to spend money bribing Feds/judges OR spending time in the Slammer. Which brings me to...

2) You Should Go To Prison

And I don't mean like a jail cell like in The Elder Scrolls games,I mean a prison that is pretty much a self-contained game level. Inside the prison you make contacts,perform specific missions (like shiving a rival gang leader) or gain information (one of the main missions could be breaking out an specific prisoner).

3) Seasons in The Sun

There should be a better semblance of time passing. GTA V takes places over the course of about six months but you never really feel that. There should be full blown seasonal changes in the game. Granted,in cities like Vice City and Los Santos that doesn't mean much,but in places like Liberty City it does. Add some ice and snow physics to the mix if you're taking the action back up there.

4) Enjoying The Little Missions

One of my biggest disappointements with GTA V was that at one point it seemed that you were going to be able to go all Breaking Bad with Trevor, fighting opposing meth dealers and taking over territorry from them. Instead,the whole Trevor Phillips Company angle goes nowhere. There are "gun running" missions that are just annoying flying minigames. Anyone remember Scarface: The World is Yours? In that game you could travel to several locations to buy cocaine then you had to avoid the cops bringing it back,sell the cocaine and then haul your money to a bank to be laundered. It was a very fun diversion that you didn't necessarily had to do to advance the main game,and honestly I've prefered something like that in GTA V rather than a dumb yoga minigame.

5) Bring Back Mah Crew

Remember in GTA: San Andreas and Saints Row 1 how you could have a number of followers that you could take on missions. Granted they were mostly cannon fodder,but it was still cool running around with your posse. In the Godfather games you could hire gang members with specific traits. That is what I would like to see,a whole permanent company you could assemble. I'm not sure about the whole "leveling up" thing (R* tried this in The Lost and The Damned with mixed results),but just gimme back mah crew!

You guys fill up the rest of the list for the time being.
One of the things that is annoying to me is when having a 4 star and flying away into the ocean a police helicopter will pop up right in front of me and spot me before I have a chance to course correct and evade.

But yes to everything you said
The prison aspect would be pretty cool. Though could get awfully repetitive if it wasn't done correctly.
I have to agree with the instantaneous law enforcement response needs to go. You can keep the wanted lvl, just to show what your notoriety in respect of the law. I like the idea of a prison lvl to reduce your "criminality" lvl. That would be awesome, you could have a prison, farm type lvl, maybe halfway house or such, depending on the severity of your crimes, each with type of prison system could come different rackets and what-not.
I have to agree with the instantaneous law enforcement response needs to go. You can keep the wanted lvl, just to show what your notoriety in respect of the law. I like the idea of a prison lvl to reduce your "criminality" lvl. That would be awesome, you could have a prison, farm type lvl, maybe halfway house or such, depending on the severity of your crimes, each with type of prison system could come different rackets and what-not.
I think AC does the "wanted level" well. Your notoriety goes up, but it's much more realistic IMO.
Never played any of the AC games. How do they handle it?
Depending on your actions your notoriety will go up. As it goes up, guards will become increasingly more specific of you. So something you could have done next to a guard when your notoriety was all the way down might tip the guards off if your notoriety is up really high. Once you tip the guards off though it basically becomes a chase sequence where you have to run away and hide. Once you successfully hide your notoriety will go down a ways. Also, you can lower your notoriety in other ways by like bribing people or pulling down wanted signs.

So it's not like in GTA where if you have 5 stars everyone and their mother is already out there looking for you.
That sounds good, more "real to life". I don't mind the star level for notoriety, it's just the instantaneous police presence that a higher level will net you, even if none are currently near you.
Modders and Cheaters

As in similar games. Some jackass destroyed everyone in Max Payne 3 today.

I googled the guy's gamertag and came up as a known cheater.
GTA should have a level 6 star alert where a random Kick Ass type vigilante super hero comes gunning for you.

Yeah. In GTA V when I was playing as Franklin I the desert area some dude popped out of nowhere and tazed me. Then I woke up in my underwear on the train tracks just the train was about to pass. I still have no idea who that guy was or if he attacked Franklin out of racism or whatnot.