Video Game Music - Just Vibing


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Sep 11, 2013
I will start out with Crysis Warhead. I remember the epic fight at the end of the game between Psycho, the KPA, the Ceph aliens and the huge Hunter.

I always liked the Halo 1/2 soundtracks, not to many FPS have memorable soundtracks, to me Halo was on another level. I thought the soundtrack of H4 was the weakest aspect of the game.
Shenmue and Shenmue II have the most emotionally enchanting music of any game , right from its original theme song. I imported the shenmue I/II soundtrack cd from japan.
This music stands the test of time.

Pretty much everything about this is full of win:
Saw the tweet below and thought “hey, why not make a thread related to game music we love” or that others may enjoy or whatevs...full disclosure I haven’t heard any of the music in the tweet but I have gone to said site to get some other game music

Some great soundtrack material by Front Line Assembly:


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