What's the dumbest thing you've ever done when it comes to a game?


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2013
I got to say its when I played Infamous. I always play my games on easy I've no issue saying I like games but f***ing suck at them. So I'm playing that f***er on easy the whole game and thinking god damn this game is sure hard for it being on easy.

I mean I'm getting hit twice and dying and my power drain super ass fast and sometimes just getting right pissed off. So I beat the game then for whatever reason looked at the menu and see WTF you can upgrade Cole in the menu to make him more powerful? s*** I played the whole game without upgrading jack s*** no idea how I missed that as I'm pretty sure they told you about upgrading him in the menu but damn if heard it or read it.
For me what comes to mind didn’t happen in a game but was when we all got our PS4 on launch and dudes were partying up and I just didn’t notice that the mic was on mute so I kept on fiddling with it thinking it was broken. It doesn’t sound funny but it was if you heard the guys wondering why I wouldn’t talk. I’m sure I’ve had quite a few other boneheaded moments in gaming where I didn’t notice what was right in front of my face.

Dude, if you completed the first Infamous without one upgrade then I say you have more skills than you give yourself credit for. At the very least your perseverance to keep at it is commendable. I remember how tough it was near the end and if it wasn’t for the shield power it would have been more frustrating than fun.
lol. Does breaking controllers count? Maybe I just need to get a punching bag or play more games on easy.
Back in the early days of the 360 I used to play Uno the XBLA game a lot online. If you had a XBL webcam thing (which I did) you could have the video show up next to your "character" in game while playing. I would always put like random action figures or weird stuff in front of it to see what people's reactions were.
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Buying CoD games 3 times for xbox, PS and pc.

Yes, you heard that right....
MW2 for pc, 360 and PS3
MW3 for pc, 360, and PS3
BO1 for pc, 360, and PS3
WaW for pc, 360 and PS3
Buying a Wii :laugh:, but seriously, buying a Wii.

In terms of playing games, nothing really.
Can't remember the game but I switched off while it was auto saving which meant I corrupted the save.
Every time i talk trash to someone online when i'm up like 15 points on NBA 2k and end up losing. Which isn't often because i'm a killer but you know. The game's not over until it's over.
Back in the early days of the 360 I used to play Uno the XBLA game a lot online. If you had a XBL webcam thing (which I did) you could have the video show up next to your "character" in game while playing. I would always put like random action figures or weird stuff in front of it to see what people's reactions were.
Loved playing that game online.
Buying CoD games 3 times for xbox, PS and pc.

Yes, you heard that right....
MW2 for pc, 360 and PS3
MW3 for pc, 360, and PS3
BO1 for pc, 360, and PS3
WaW for pc, 360 and PS3
I know that story well.

I bought all the CoD games last gen on both 360 and PS3, I even bought Ghosts on PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox 360.
Oh I have lots.....
Back in the EQ1 days I pretended to work late (even though I had no job at the time) to avoid a raid because I was angry at the loot policy of my guild.
I threw a PS3 controller at the wall because I was drunk and pissed off at Heavenly Sword (that stupid crossbow level). Sixty dollar mistake.
I bought 1 year of Xbox Live for a game but never played it online and...never used Xbox Live again that whole year. Another sixty dollar mistake.
I bought about 10 new MMO's at launch for 60 dollars each and played them for less than 2 weeks. (Rift, LOTRO, you name it)
Played through most of Ryse (or all of it, don't remember) without realizing I could buy more executions.
Paying $60 for BF4 and Star Wars: Old republic. Played both for a few hours and never touched em again. What a waste.
Buying Spartan Assault on Xbox One and once again being raped by the Halo franchise.
Buying The Witcher 1 and 2 without knowing that I would never get into them, and buying Borderlands 2 season pass which I got tired of before I finished the main game.
Buying The Witcher 1 and 2 without knowing that I would never get into them, and buying Borderlands 2 season pass which I got tired of before I finished the main game.

Yeah, I'm done with season passes. I also bought Borderlands 2 pass. I finished the main game a few times but never even downloaded the last dlc, or finish the other ones.
Yeah, I'm done with season passes. I also bought Borderlands 2 pass. I finished the main game a few times but never even downloaded the last dlc, or finish the other ones.

Really, Borderlands 2 and Bioshock Infinite season passes were like the last straw. I went without season pass on Forza 5 and it's been more than fine.
Playing these stupid viddigames instead of learning macrame or knitting...
I watched people have sex on the Xbox Live Vision Cam in a couple games of Uno and didn't mind......
I was getting owned in the Shanghai section of BS4 with the tanks by the airport.

I died over and over for days. Then I realized that you could get out of the tank and get into to the more powerful enemy tank that was sitting right there at the beginning of the level.

I beat it pretty quickly after that. Lol
When I was a kid my friends and I used to trade NES games. I traded Contra for Spy Hunter and realized two hours later I'd made the biggest mistake in my 9 years on the planet.
Buying COD game after COD4 expecting it to be somehow magically better, smoother and more balanced than the one before it.
I have a total playtime of 24 hours in Black ops II. I should have stopped at 1.
Most of the dumb things I've done have been associated with altered brain chemistry. I've completely screwed up progress; I've sold or dropped essential items; I've gotten myself completely turned around and screwed up.. I've ruined a few games for myself that way. The dumbest gaming-related thing I ever did was buy a PS3 for about $400 (?), then sell it back to Gamestop a few months later for $175 (not because I didn't like it, but because I don't game enough to need two consoles). Fast forward a couple years, and I'm wishing I owned a PS3 right now. Dur.
My first playthrough of Ryse I missed the part in the beginning about holding down the right trigger to earn the extra points/health renewal and when I played it again, boy what a big difference! And I did a similar thing playing Dark Souls where I missed the part about locking on to an enemy and didn't realize it until I was about level 20 of my first playthrough - again, BIG difference!! :laugh::smash:
Oh, I remember a dumb one. I remember playing Deus Ex, and this was still near the beginning when I am dropped off by a chopper, and I have to go inside this building. There is someone standing by the door I need to enter. I kept trying to kill him and I could never get in or past the sequence. Tried a bazillion times. Come to find out, he is a good guy cop and I was supposed to just walk in the door.

1) hitting kung-fu master on my atari 2600 after losing and cracking the board in the cartrige
2) selling a few of my classic games at yard sales for quick money
3) saving for months to buy dragons lair on NES only to discover it was one of the worst games of all time

Overall pretty minor, but all three still sting a bit.