White Noise 2 - (Hide and Seek Horror Multiplayer)


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2013
Runs great on all hardware. Still looks great even on low settings and doubles the frame rate. This game has to be played at 60fps given the low light hampers vision so much.

Dead by Daylight?
Yeah. Someone plays the monster. And everyone else plays the investigators trying to banish it back to hell by finding clues and sigila
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Looks pretty cool. Enjoyed Dead by Daylight but haven't played it in a long time. This looks really cool with the darkness. Probably need a diaper to play.
This game is pretty awesome. The hardest thing is teaching and babysitting noobies. They run off on their own and die. Or they walk in the same direction of you, but don't follow behind so you get separated too easily. The buddy system is extremely important. And don't accidentally leave your partner behind even if it is their fault. Look around every few seconds to make sure you aren't alone. It is absolutely impossible to beat the game traveling solo. Also even if you die, help the crew find the remaining clues. Ghosts are vital in the end game.
I just spent an entire session telling someone to follow me because they were going the wrong way and being ignored the whole time trying to lead a horse to water
Trolling as monster. No one can survive! Russian girl ragequits her Twitch stream after epic second game!
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