Who doesn't love their Wii

With Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Okami, Xenoblade Chronicles, and of course Brawl, the Wii was awesome.
With Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Okami, Xenoblade Chronicles, and of course Brawl, the Wii was awesome.

And RE4, No More Heroes 1&2, Zack & Wiki and the virtual console.
He sounds like he's enjoying it.
Never had my own, but my younger brother had one and I loved that while it was alive. Sadly it has left the world of the living :sad:
That video was so staged.

Apart from a few moments the Wii never did anything for me. Nintendo consoles have interested me less and less since the N64.
As much as I love my Wii U, I only had the Wii for a couple months before selling it.
I never could really get into the Wii even though I got it launch day. I've played Smash brothers, Zelda, Mario Galaxy, Metroid prime but I don't know, never kept me engaged.
I liked the Wii, the only problem I had with it was that I needed to keep my sister from hogging it. There where some great games on that thing, and the compatibility with the GC controller was just genius, I had several of those brilliant controllers laying around and was really disappointed that the Wii U doesn't support them. If anything Nintendo should release an official converter to USB so we can use them on their newest machine.

Seriously a missed chance as that controller beats the "Classic Controller" hands down.