Who is going Trick Or Treating on Thursday?

I'm taking my kids out..I'm too old to trick or treat..now I just sneak candy from my kids hauls when they aren't looking lol

Oh don't get me wrong. My trick or treating activities are ~wildly~ inappropriate. Im 42. I think this year will probably be the last time I go though, because my son is developing an interest in girls, and I can't imagine he would want me along after this year...
Oh don't get me wrong. My trick or treating activities are ~wildly~ inappropriate. Im 42. I think this year will probably be the last time I go though, because my son is developing an interest in girls, and I can't imagine he would want me along after this year...
Are you short? I mean do you pass a youth? I'm 6'5...I don't think I could pull it off lol
Are you short? I mean do you pass a youth? I'm 6'5...I don't think I could pull it off lol

6'0" here. Im large enough that with that mask and outfit on I scare people, so they give me candy and dont start up conversation.
6'0" here. Im large enough that with that mask and outfit on I scare people, so they give me candy and dont start up conversation.
LOL, the last time I got dressed up I went as Oscar the grouch to accompany my youngest son as Elmo.

My wife and I are talking about hand making the funny looking heads the main characters in Beetlejuice have for next year lol
Wow, best Dad ever!
LOL you should see the costume, if I find a pic I'll post it

It was this costume...now imagine a 6'5 man in that lol..my son was 2 at the time.
No. And all you youngsters best not come anywhere near my lawn! Hear me!?
Smart. Don't want to miss out on dat candy on a count of rain.