To me, Windows 10 was a big turning point. It isn't perfect, but I feel like Windows is finally no longer a ticking time bomb. With past versions, you'd ultimately have to reinstall before the hardware was out of date. Windows 7 would give you maybe 2 years before it started getting funny (sometimes a lot less) and just needed a clean wipe. With Windows 10, I almost never feel the need to reinstall. Both at home and at work, I simply never reinstall the OS just to fix things. My current gaming PC is 5+ years old and still running the original install. It has updated constantly over the years and still works the same as it did on day 1.
Back in the day, Windows was just not stable. Heck, I made much of my early career around fixing Windows. Now though, you take care of your OS and don't get malware and you'll be fine. I remember anytime old systems would update it would always be nightmare time. Now? I don't even think about it.
I still support 50+ PC laptops at work, and they all run Windows. I keep them patched and keep drivers up to date (which is really important, more so than the past) and they run great. The hardware goes long before the OS does.