What movies have you seen recently?

The Predator - If they made the exact same movie, and only swapped the predators out with a different, original monster, I would call it the worst action movie of the decade. But it had the predators and gosh darn it I still like them so I can only call it really really bad. It was one of those "Every scene will be at night because we're so ashamed of what's going on onscreen" movies.
Life with Ryan Reynolds, sci-fi horror.


Surprisingly solid.

The Martian(LTTP)


I was fairly bored with this one but it wasn't bad.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1973 ) - The special effects don't entirely hod up, but this is still an enjoyable well made movie with a great cast. Great remake.
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Hell House LLC 2 - The first one was an entertaining extremely low budget found footage horror movie with some genuine creepy moments. The sequel is terribly written, terribly shot, terribly acted, and void of any of the things that made the first movie appealing.
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Bummer I thought I saw Hereditary was on Prime streaming but it's just for rent/buy. Oh well there are a few older horror movies I never got around to seeing that are streaming on various services like The Babadook.

Edit: Do I need to watch The Blair Witch Project 2 before watching the newest Blair Witch?
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Bummer I thought I saw Hereditary was on Prime streaming but it's just for rent/buy. Oh well there are a few older horror movies I never got around to seeing that are streaming on various services like The Babadook.

Edit: Do I need to watch The Blair Witch Project 2 before watching the newest Blair Witch?

Not at all, Book of Shadows is kind of it's own bizarre thing.
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Wish Upon - Red Letter Media really talked this up for being so bad it's good, and having a lot of uninentional humor. I definitely laughed out loud more than a few times at the ridiculousness, particularly the ending, but it never became "good".

Zombie - 1979 Italian zombie movie, super gory for its time. 15 awesome minutes at the end, plus a few other awesome "underwater" minutes, mixed with over an hour of not so awesome minutes.

The Baby Sitter - Quite entertaining Netflix exclusive. Between this and Mayhem, I'm liking Samara Weaving as an actress.

The Trouble With Harry - Hitchcock movie I'd never seen before, awesome fall setting in Vermont. Still entertaining despite the "comedy" being super outdated.

Carrie - 1976 original. My first time seeing it "unedited". Still holds up 40+ years later.
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The Look of Silence - Netflix documentary about a 1965 Indonesian genocide where the people who committed the crimes are still in power.

Definitely recommend but it's not exactly a light movie.
Eyes Without A Face - Black and white French "horror" movie from the early '60's. Mask was the inspiration for Halloween. Beautiful cinematography.


I thought it was good but If I had known where the plot was leading to I wouldn't have watched it.

I need a Baptism, a bar mitzvah, and a pilgrimage to Mecca after seeing that s**t.
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Cat People - Enjoyable "horror" movie from the '40's. Surprised I'd never seen this before, seems like the type of thing that should have been on AMC Halloween playlists back in the day.


I have no idea why, but I've always avoided watching this. I don't think I liked the look of the count in the trailers back when the movie was releasing, and managed to talk myself out of seeing it for 26 years. It showed up on the Shock Wave podcast's top 100 horror movies list earlier this year, and I decided I should finally check it out. Happened to be at Best Buy a few weeks back, and they had the 4K UHD on sale for $15, bought it on a whim. Finally fired it up tonight, and loved it from the beginning. Fantastic movie, I'm ashamed of my 26 years of ignorance! Great movie for the Halloween season.

I have no idea why, but I've always avoided watching this. I don't think I liked the look of the count in the trailers back when the movie was releasing, and managed to talk myself out of seeing it for 26 years. It showed up on the Shock Wave podcast's top 100 horror movies list earlier this year, and I decided I should finally check it out. Happened to be at Best Buy a few weeks back, and they had the 4K UHD on sale for $15, bought it on a whim. Finally fired it up tonight, and loved it from the beginning. Fantastic movie, I'm ashamed of my 26 years of ignorance! Great movie for the Halloween season.

I don't recall Keanu Reeves or even Wynona Ryder fitting into this film very well.

Gary Oldman owns the role as Dracula though including many transformations. It's often seemed odd to me that he isn't a more prominent actor. I guess some actors have different priorities or don't give a s***.

It's interesting that both Gary Oldman and Anthony Hopkins were again adversaries in HANNIBAL. Also, again Gary Oldman is barely recognizable as Mason Verger under so much makeup except in a flashback, but I think he's having fun with it. I've heard he's one of the rare dedicated character actors more than willing to submit to long make up sessions if they think it's worth it for the character.