2015 Game of the Year Discussion Thread

Wow...the Witcher is really that good? I may need to bite.
It really is a treat of a game. It took me by surprise even with already anticipating to buy it. An explorable world larger than Skyrim and densely populated with enjoyable quests and their mini stories. I played for over 100 hours and still had too many quests left to count. I recommend it myself.
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Not sure why. I owned TW3 for months and played it once or twice. Couldn't get into it. Might be because of its size. Too big a game to invest that much time into it.
I've spent some time thinking about what my best game was for 2015 and I've finally reached a decision. I tried to come up with reasons to not choose it but invariably this title answers all my questions on what the best gaming experience of the year should be.

It is about the game I wanted to play at some point any day I turned on my consoles.
It is about the game that had the most fist pumping moments of exciting gameplay.
It is about the game that would make me raging mad when I (and not the game) didn't perform up to expectations.
It is about the game that I could enjoy solo, co-op with my boys, and/or online with complete strangers.
It is about a game that I continually feel a sense of challenge that always leaves room for improvement yet the chance to do the incredible.
It is about the developer that fully supported the game with updates, free DLC, as well as reasonably priced DLC.

It may not have the greatest graphics of 2015, the best story, or the deepest customization (it's not bad though)...but it has been the most fun for me. I can enjoy it in long or quick spurts and most of all teaming up with my boys is something only a few games offer and deliver so well.

It should be pretty obvious by now to those who have played, but my Game of 2015 goes to:


Rocket League is supposed to release the One too. I'll check it out then. I like games I can just pop in, start, have a blast for about 30 minutes or so and turn it off.
Not sure why. I owned TW3 for months and played it once or twice. Couldn't get into it. Might be because of its size. Too big a game to invest that much time into it.
Witcher 3 take w awhile to warm up. You must delicate about 2-3 hours a sitting to get it going. Once the engine started, it just hard to put down.

It also has one of the hottest character in gaming, on par with lara.

No picture do her justice, you have to play the game to know.
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That is why you have to cut out the fat. For example I'm sure you have played remasters.
I don't understand.

EDIT : Never mind. Yeah. I'd rather play a remaster for 10 hours then put 80 hours into an open world game like TW. Games are a part of my life, just in spurts though. Small spurts. Even with 10 hour games.
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I don't understand.

EDIT : Never mind. Yeah. I'd rather play a remaster for 10 hours then put 80 hours into an open world game like TW. Games are a part of my life, just in spurts though. Small spurts. Even with 10 hour games.
I like small spurts :hehe: