Amy Hennig On Why People Aren’t Buying Linear Story Based Games

It'll never be like it used to. The frequency of AAA sp games in relation to how they used to be released in is just completely different. You'll still have top dogs, but depending on your poison of genre, you can end up with slimmer pickings than others. Games are too expensive to compete on the same level of which the competition used to be. It's why we have gotten so many ports/remasters than before. Personally, the last SP game I played was Cuphead and Little Nightmares. Neither game I beat, not intend to anytime soon. However, I'm a straight up Overwatch addict. That's the bees knees for me.

Can't really offer solutions to the problem other than for devs to keep an eye out for potential growth by catering to fans of certain genres that may be experienceing a dry spell. Plan accordingly and try your best. Games are a cut throat business with no simple solution to the problems at hand. Try to either be filling a hole, being innovative as f***, or catering to certain groups.